デジタルマルチメータ OWON B35T (+) のデータを BLE で読んでみました (2017/05/24)
Bluetooth LE なので、Android / iOS から使えます。
// for OWON BT35T // Delphi 10.2 Tokyo unit BDMUnit; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, System.Bluetooth, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.StdCtrls, System.Bluetooth.Components, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Edit, Math, FMX.Objects; type TForm2 = class(TForm) BluetoothLE1: TBluetoothLE; Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Rectangle1: TRectangle; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure BluetoothLE1EndDiscoverDevices(const Sender: TObject; const ADeviceList: TBluetoothLEDeviceList); procedure BluetoothLE1EndDiscoverServices(const Sender: TObject; const AServiceList: TBluetoothGattServiceList); procedure BluetoothLE1CharacteristicRead(const Sender: TObject; const ACharacteristic: TBluetoothGattCharacteristic; AGattStatus: TBluetoothGattStatus); private { private 宣言 } fBDMDevice : TBluetoothLEDevice; fBDMService : TBluetoothGattService; public { public 宣言 } end; var Form2: TForm2; const BDMName : String = 'BDM'; BDMService : TBluetoothUUID = '{0000FFF0-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}'; BDMNotify : TBluetoothUUID = '{0000FFF4-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}'; implementation {$R *.fmx} // 受信 procedure TForm2.BluetoothLE1CharacteristicRead(const Sender: TObject; const ACharacteristic: TBluetoothGattCharacteristic; AGattStatus: TBluetoothGattStatus); var s : string; B : TBytes; i : integer; v : integer; dp : integer; f : double; u : string; begin B := ACharacteristic.GetValue; s := ''; // 値は6バイト for i := 0 to Length(B) -1 do s := s + IntToHex(B[i], 2); // 16進文字列として表示 Edit2.Text := s; // 数値(LH反転) v := Integer(B[5] shl 8 + B[4]); if v and $8000 > 0 then v := - (v and $7FFF); // 小数点位置 dp := B[0] and 3; // 測定値 f := v / Power(10, dp); Edit1.Text := Format('%.' + dp.ToString + 'f', [f]); Label1.Text := Format('%.' + dp.ToString + 'f', [f]); // オーバーフロー if B[0] and 4 > 0 then Edit1.Text := 'OL'; // AC/DC case B[0] shr 4 of 1,9: u := 'DC'; 5: if B[1] and 1 = 0 then u := 'AC'; 6,13: u := 'AC'; 10: if B[1] and 3 = 0 then u := 'DC'; 14: if B[1] and 3 = 0 then u := 'AC'; end; Edit1.Text := u + ' '+ Edit1.Text; // 単位 case B[0] shr 4 of 1: u := 'mV'; // DC 2: if B[1] and 3 = 3 then u := 'hFE' else if B[1] and 2 > 0 then u := '℃' else if B[1] and 1 > 0 then begin if B[0] and 8 > 0 then u := 'KΩ' else u := 'Ω'; end; 3: if B[1] and 1 > 0 then u := 'MΩ'; 4: if B[1] and 1 > 0 then u := 'nF'; 5: if B[1] and 1 > 0 then u := 'μF' else u := 'mV'; // AC 6: u := 'V'; // AC 9: if B[0] and 8 = 8 then u := 'mA' // DC else u := 'μA'; // DC 10: if B[1] and 2 > 0 then u := 'Diode' else if B[1] and 1 > 0 then u := 'Hz' else u := 'A'; // DC 13: if B[0] and 8 = 8 then u := 'mA' // AC else u := 'μA'; // AC 14: if B[1] and 2 > 0 then u := 'Beep' else if B[1] and 1 > 0 then u := '%' else u := 'A'; // AC end; Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' ' + u; if B[2] and 1 > 0 then Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' HOLD'; if B[2] and 4 > 0 then Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' AUTO'; if B[2] and 32 = 32 then Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' MAX'; if B[2] and 16 = 16 then Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' MIN'; if B[2] and 2 = 2 then Edit1.Text := Edit1.Text + ' Δ'; end; // デバイス検索終了 procedure TForm2.BluetoothLE1EndDiscoverDevices(const Sender: TObject; const ADeviceList: TBluetoothLEDeviceList); var i : integer; begin if ADeviceList.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to ADeviceList.Count - 1 do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(ADeviceList[i].DeviceName); if ADeviceList[i].DeviceName = BDMName then begin // デバイスを保持 fBDMDevice := ADeviceList[i]; // サービスの検索を開始 if not ADeviceList[i].DiscoverServices then begin ShowMessage('サービスは使用できません.'); end; end; end; end; end; // サービス検索終了 procedure TForm2.BluetoothLE1EndDiscoverServices(const Sender: TObject; const AServiceList: TBluetoothGattServiceList); var i : integer; NotifyCharact : TBluetoothGattCharacteristic; begin fBDMService := nil; if AServiceList.Count > 0 then begin for i := 0 to AServiceList.Count -1 do begin Memo1.Lines.Add(AServiceList[i].UUID.ToString); if AServiceList[i].UUID = BDMService then begin // サービスを保持 fBDMService := AServiceList[i]; Break; end; end; end; if fBDMService <> nil then begin for i := 0 to fBDMService.Characteristics.Count -1 do begin if fBDMService.Characteristics[i].UUID = BDMNotify then begin // 通知を設定 NotifyCharact := fBDMService.Characteristics[i]; fBDMDevice.SetCharacteristicNotification(NotifyCharact, true); break; end; end; end; end; // BLE 検索、接続 procedure TForm2.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin BluetoothLE1.Enabled := True; // BLE デバイスの検索を開始 BluetoothLE1.DiscoverDevices(500); end; end.