Dobot Bluetooth UART 通信 Delphi 2020/11/13 ~ 2020/11/17
・2020/11/16 Android のスクリーンショットを追加
・2020/11/17 Android のコードを最後に追加
Dobot 純正の Bluetooth アダプタを使わずに、市販の Bluetooth モジュールを使っています。
Windows、Android 端末からワイヤレスで Dobot をコントロールできます。
※ iPhone (iOS) は Classic Bluetooth には対応していないため、使用できません。
送受信しているバイト配列のデータは、UART、Wi-Fi(UDP) でも同じ内容です。
Bluetooth モジュール RBT-001、レベル変換基板 80FG990 はマイクロテクニカで購入しました。
端末から見て受信側が安定しないので、バッファ IC 74HC4050 を追加しています。
ペアリング前にユーティリティソフトウェア(Simply Blue Commander)で、下記を設定します。
- RBT-001 Hardware Commands
・Set Event Filter: No events reported, no UART break (full cable replacement)
・Set Local Name:RBT-001 ※デフォルトは、"EasyBT"
・Change UART speed: 19200
Android の場合は、少し遅い感じ。
画面の更新が Windows とは異なるようで、そのままのコードではHoming 中のリアルタイムの座標は表示されませんでした。
Android 用のコードを、Windows の次(最後)に追加しました。 2020/11/17
{ Classic Bluetooth で Dobot Magician を使う (Windows) Dobot 背面のインターフェースコネクタ 10P のシリアル(TX, RX, GND)に、 Bluetooth モジュール RBT-001 を接続する 使用コネクタは「ケーブル圧接型ソケット10P FC-10P」、 コネクタ付きケーブルの場合は「フラットリボンケーブル FC/FCコネクター 10ピン」で検索する レベル変換基板と Dobot との接続 TX - TX, RX - RX, GND - GND TX, RX とも間にバッファ IC (74HC4050 等) を入れると、受信側が安定する Windows、Android 端末 (iOS(iPhone)では使用不可)でペアリング前に、 ユーティリティソフトウェア(Simply Blue Commander)で、下記を設定 - RBT-001 Hardware Commands ・Set Event Filter: No events reported, no UART break (full cable replacement) ・Set Local Name:RBT-001 ・Change UART speed: 19200 2020/11/12 f.izawa URL: e-mail : 参照元:Dobot Magician Communication Protocol } unit Unit8; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.Bluetooth, Vcl.StdCtrls, System.Bluetooth.Components, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.ExtCtrls, math; type TPTPMode = ( JUMP_XYZ, MOVJ_XYZ, MOVL_XYZ, JUMP_ANGLE, MOVJ_ANGLE, MOVL_ANGLE, MOVJ_INC, MOVL_INC ); TJOGMode = ( IDEL, // Invalid status AP_DOWN, // X+ / Joint1+ AN_DOWN, // X- / Joint1- BP_DOWN, // Y+ / Joint2+ BN_DOWN, // Y- / Joint2- CP_DOWN, // Z+ / Joint3+ CN_DOWN, // Z- / Joint3- DP_DOWN, // R+ / Joint4+ DN_DOWN, // R- / Joint4- LP_DOWN, // L+. Only when the parameter isJoint=1, the LP_DOWN is available LN_DOWN // L-. Only when the parameter isJoint=1, the LN_DOWN is available ); TJOGModel = ( COORDINATE_MODEL, JOINT_MODEL ); TIOFunction = ( IOFunctionDummy, // Do not config function IOFunctionPWM, // PWM Output IOFunctionDO, // IO Output IOFunctionDI, // IO Intput IOFunctionADC // AD Input ); type TForm8 = class(TForm) Bluetooth1: TBluetooth; Button1: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; Button2: TButton; Button3: TButton; Button4: TButton; Button5: TButton; Button6: TButton; Button7: TButton; SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton; Button8: TButton; Button9: TButton; Button10: TButton; Edit1: TEdit; Edit2: TEdit; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Edit3: TEdit; Label4: TLabel; Edit4: TEdit; Button11: TButton; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Edit5: TEdit; Edit6: TEdit; Button12: TButton; Button13: TButton; Timer1: TTimer; Edit7: TEdit; Edit8: TEdit; Edit9: TEdit; Edit10: TEdit; Edit11: TEdit; Edit12: TEdit; Edit13: TEdit; Edit14: TEdit; Edit15: TEdit; Edit16: TEdit; Edit17: TEdit; Edit18: TEdit; Edit19: TEdit; Edit20: TEdit; Edit21: TEdit; Button14: TButton; Edit22: TEdit; Button15: TButton; Button16: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure SpeedButton1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure Button7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button8Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button10Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button11Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Button12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button13Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); procedure Button14Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button15Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button16Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } public { Public 宣言 } end; var Form8: TForm8; ADevice : TBluetoothDevice; ASocket : TBluetoothSocket; AlarmCode : array of string = [ '$00', 'ERR_COMMON_RESET', '$10', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_SINGULARITY', '$11', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_CALC', '$12', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_LIMIT', '$13', 'ERR_PLAN_PUSH_DATA_REPEAT', '$14', 'ERR_PLAN_ARC_INPUT_PARAM', '$15', 'ERR_PLAN_JUMP_PARAM', '$20', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_SINGULARITY', '$21', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_CALC', '$22', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_LIMIT', '$30', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS1', '$31', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS2', '$32', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS3', '$33', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS4', '$40', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS1_POS', '$41', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS1_NEG', '$42', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS2_POS', '$43', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS2_NEG', '$44', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS3_POS', '$45', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS3_NEG', '$46', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS4_POS', '$47', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS4_NEG', '$48', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS23_POS', '$49', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS23_NEG', '$50', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS1', '$51', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS2', '$52', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS3', '$53', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS4' ]; runFlag : boolean; // 非常停止通知、検出用 tmBusy : boolean; // インターバルタイマーで処理中 const // SPP(Serial Port Profile) による通信のUUID ServiceUUID = '{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}'; // 検索する BT デバイス名 // デフォルト 'EasyBT' を 'RBT-001' に変更している BTDeviceHead = 'RBT-001'; // プロトタイプ function RBTReceiveData(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var readData: TBytes; ATimeout: Cardinal): integer; function GetPose(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single; var a0, a1, a2, a3: single): boolean; implementation {$R *.dfm} function SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; ioFunction: Byte): boolean; // 多重入出力を設定 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 130; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; // EIO Num(1..20) B[6] := ioFunction; // TIOFunction, // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 130); end; end; function SetPTPCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 8; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 83; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[5 + i] := velocityRatio.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[9 + i] := accelerationRatio.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 83); end; end; function GetIODI(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; var ioValue: Byte):boolean; // GetIODI 入力状態を取得 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 133; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = r, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; B[6] := 0; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 133) and (B[5] = ioAddress); if result then ioValue := B[6]; end; end; function GetIODO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; var ioLevel: Byte): boolean; // 出力状態を取得 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, 8); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 131; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = r, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; B[6] := 0; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 131) and (B[5] = ioAddress); if result then ioLevel := B[6]; end; end; function SetIODO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; ioLevel: Byte): boolean; // 出力 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 131; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; // EIO Num(1..20) B[6] := ioLevel; // Level output 0-Low level 1-High level // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 131); end; end; function GetPTPCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 83; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $AD; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 83); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocityRatio.Bytes[i] := B[5 + i]; accelerationRatio.Bytes[i] := B[9 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // JOG 移動 速度係数、加速度係数設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 8; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 72; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := velocityRatio.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := accelerationRatio.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 72); end; end; function GetJOGCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 72; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $B8; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 72); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocityRatio.Bytes[i] := B[5 + i]; accelerationRatio.Bytes[i] := B[9 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetSetPTPCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single): boolean; // PTP LINE 移動 速度、加速度設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 16; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 81; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := xyzVelocity.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := rVelocity.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[13 + i] := xyzAcceleration.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[17 + i] := rAcceleration.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 81); end; end; function GetPTPCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single): boolean; var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 81; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $AF; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 81); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin xyzVelocity.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; rVelocity.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; xyzAcceleration.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; rAcceleration.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocity, acceleration: array of single): boolean; // Jog移動 X, Y, Z R 軸の速度と加速度 var B : TBytes; len, i, j : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 32; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 71; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for j := 0 to 3 do begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin B[ 5 + j * 4 + i] := velocity[j].Bytes[i]; // X,Y, Z, R axis B[21 + j * 4 + i] := acceleration[j].Bytes[i]; end; end; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 71); end; end; function GetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocity: array of single; var acceleration: array of single): boolean; var i, j, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 71; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $B9; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 71); if result then begin for j := 0 to 3 do begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocity[j].Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + j * 4 + i]; acceleration[j].Bytes[i] := B[21 + j * 4 + i]; end; end; end; end; end; function SetQueuedCmdClear(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 245; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0A; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 245); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdStartExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len +4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 240; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0F; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 240); end; end; function SetDeviceName(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; const deviceName: string): boolean; // デバイス名をセット var B, temp : TBytes; len, i, n : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin temp := TEncoding.ANSI.GetBytes(deviceName); n := Length(temp); len := 2 + n; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 1; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to n - 1 do B[5 + i] := temp[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 1); end; end; function GetDeviceName(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var deviceName: string): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; i : Integer; begin result := false; deviceName := ''; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 1; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $FF; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 1); if result then begin for i := 5 to len - 2 do deviceName := deviceName + Char(B[i]); end; end; end; function GetDeviceSN(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var deviceSN: string): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; i : Integer; begin result := false; deviceSN := ''; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 0; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $00; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 0); if result then begin for i := 5 to len - 2 do deviceSN := deviceSN + Char(B[i]); end; end; end; function GetAlarmsState(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isAlarm: boolean; var res: string): boolean; // アラーム取得 var alarmsState: array [0..15] of Byte; B : TBytes; len : integer; i, j, idx, k : Integer; begin result := false; isAlarm := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 20; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $EC; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 20); if result then begin for i := 0 to 15 do alarmsState[i] := B[5 + i]; for i := 1 to 15 do begin // alarmsState[0] は無視 if alarmsState[i] > 0 then begin isAlarm := true; break; end; end; end; end; // アラーム内容(文字列)を作成 if isAlarm then begin for i := 1 to 15 do begin // alarmsState[0] は無視 for j := 0 to 7 do begin if (alarmsState[i] and (1 shl j)) > 0 then begin idx := i * 8 + j; res := ''; for k := 0 to Length(AlarmCode) div 2 - 1 do begin if idx = StrToInt(AlarmCode[k * 2]) then res := res + AlarmCode[k * 2 + 1] + #09; // TAB を追加 end; res := Trim(res); // 最後の #09 を削除 end; end; end; end; end; function ClearAllAlarmsState(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // アラームクリア var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 20; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $EB; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 20); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdStopExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 241; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0E; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 241); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdForceStopExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 242; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0D; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 242); end; end; function GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var queuedCmdCurrentIndex: Uint64): boolean; // コマンドキューの現在の位置 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 246; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $0A; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 2000); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 246); if result then begin queuedCmdCurrentIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdCurrentIndex := queuedCmdCurrentIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); end; end; end; function SetHomeParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; x, y, z, r: single): boolean; // HOME 位置設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 16; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 30; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := x.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := y.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[13 + i] := z.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[17 + i] := r.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 30); end; end; function GetHomeParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single): boolean; // ホーム座標を取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 30; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $E2; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 30); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin x.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; y.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; z.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; r.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetHomeCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // HomeCmd ホーミング var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := false; if runFlag and (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 4; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 31; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; // ダミー(4バイト) for i := 0 to 3 do B[5 + i] := 0; // チェックサム B[9] := $DE; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 31); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if runFlag then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('X = %.3f, Y = %.3f, Z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex); end else begin result := false; break; end; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('x = %.3f, y = %.3f, z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); end; end; end; end; function SetPTPCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ptpMode: Byte; toX, toY, toZ, toR: single): boolean; // PTPCmd var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 17; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 84; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; B[5] := ptpMode;// PTPMode 2= MOVL_XYZ for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 6 + i] := toX.Bytes[i]; // X for i := 0 to 3 do B[10 + i] := toY.Bytes[i]; // Y for i := 0 to 3 do B[14 + i] := toZ.Bytes[i]; // Z for i := 0 to 3 do B[18 + i] := toR.Bytes[i]; // R // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 84); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if runFlag then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('x = %.3f, Y = %.3f, Z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex); end else begin result := false; break; end; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('x = %.3f, Y = %.3f, Z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; jogMode: Byte; jogCommand: Byte): boolean; // JogCmd // jogMode 0 で X, Y, Z 方向に動く。方向は、 jogCommand で指定 // jog 開始は、方向を指定。停止するまで動き続ける // Jog 停止は、jogCommand に 0 を指定。 // スピードが速すぎると、使いにくい var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 73; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; B[5] := jogMode; // Jog mode 0-coordinate jog 1-Joint jog B[6] := jogCommand; // Jog command(Value range0..8) // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 73); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin Application.ProcessMessages; if runFlag then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('X = %.3f, Y = %.3f, Z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex); end else begin result := false; break; end; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); Form8.Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('x = %.3f, y = %.3f, z = %.3f', [x, y, z])); end; end; end; end; function GetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isCtrlEnable: Byte; var isSucked: Byte): boolean; // 吸引カップの状態を取得 var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 62; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; B[5] := $C2; // checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 62); if result then begin isCtrlEnable := B[5]; isSucked := B[6]; end; end; end; function SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ctrl, suck: Byte):boolean; // 吸引カップ ON/OFF var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : Byte; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 62; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = True; B[5] := ctrl; // CtrlEnable B[6] := suck; // Suck // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 62); end; end; function GetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isCtrlEnable: Byte; var isGripped: Byte): boolean; // グリッパーの状態を取得 var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 63; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; B[5] := $C1; // checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 63); if result then begin isCtrlEnable := B[5]; isGripped := B[6]; end; end; end; function SetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ctrl, grip: Byte):boolean; // 吸引カップ ON/OFF var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : Byte; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 63; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = True; B[5] := ctrl; // CtrlEnabled B[6] := grip; // Grip // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 63); end; end; function GetPose(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single; var a0, a1, a2, a3: single): boolean; // GetPose 現在値を取得 var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 10; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $F6; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 1000); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 10); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin x.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; y.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; z.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; r.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; a0.Bytes[i] := B[21 + i]; a1.Bytes[i] := B[25 + i]; a2.Bytes[i] := B[29 + i]; a3.Bytes[i] := B[33 + i]; end; end; end; end; // Dobot Magician アーム角度を取得 // x, y, z : エンドエフェクタの位置 // A1, A2, A3 : 主軸の回転角度、アーム 1 の傾斜角度, アーム 2 の角度(アーム 1 からの傾斜角度) // J1, J2, J3 : 主軸の回転角度、アーム 1 の角度(垂直で 0)アーム 2 の傾斜角度(水平で 0) function dobotArmAngle(x, y, z: double; var A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3 : double): boolean; // uses ,,,, math; var th1, th2, th3 : double; phi, l, ld : double; L1, L2, L3, L4 : double; begin L1 := 0.0; // アーム基点の高さ(Dobot Magician の場合: 0) L2 := 135.0; // アーム1の辺の長さ L3 := 146.74; // アーム2の辺の長さ(147.0mm) L4 := 60.0; // エンドエフェクタの突き出し部分(必ず水平である) result := false; // X-Y平面上のアーム部分の長さ l := sqrt(x * x + y * y) - L4 ; if (l > L4) then begin // X-Y 平面上のアームの角度 // Dobot の場合、-125~ +125 度であること th1 := arctan2(y, x); // アーム1、2の底辺の長さ ld := sqrt(l * l + (z - L1) * (z - L1)); result := (ld > 0) and (ld < (L2 + L3)); if result then begin // アーム基点から先端への仰角 // アーム1、アーム2底辺の三角形の基点側の内角 phi := arctan2((z - L1), l); // アーム1の角度 th2 := phi + arccos((ld * ld + L2 * L2 - L3 * L3) / (2.0 * ld * L2)); // アーム2のアーム1からの角度 th3 := arcsin((ld * ld - L2 * L2 - L3 * L3) / (2.0 * L2 * L3)) + PI / 2.0; // ラジアン->デグリ換算 A1 := th1 * 180.0 / PI; A2 := th2 * 180.0 / PI ; A3 := th3 * 180.0 / PI ; // Dobot Arm の角度表示に変換 J1 := A1; // アーム1の角度(垂直で 0 度、前に傾斜で+方向) // Dobot の場合 -5.0 ~ +84.0 まで J2 := 90.0 - A2; // アーム2の角度(水平で 0 度、前方に下がる方向が+) // Dobot の場合、 -15.0 ~ +75.0 まで J3 := 180.0 - A2 - A3; end; end; end; // 可動範囲内にあるか function dobotCheckXYZ(x, y, z : double): boolean; var A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3 : double; dist1, dist2 : double; begin result := false; if dobotArmAngle(x, y, z, A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3) then begin dist1 := sqrt(x * x + y * y); dist2 := sqrt((dist1 - 60.0) * (dist1 - 60.0) + z * z); // (J2 < 89.00) : 大きくすると、下側に(初期値:83.99) // (J3 < 75.00) : 大きくすると、中心方向に(初期値:75.00) result := (J1 > -125.0 ) and (J1 < 125.0) and (J2 > -4.99) and (J2 < 89.5) and (J3 > -14.9 ) and (J3 < 89.5) and (dist2 <= 268); // 268 はアームが最大に伸びた時の長さ(268 ~ 272mm)一直線にはならないため、制限が必要 end; end; function dobotSetupIO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // IO セットアップ begin result := false; if (ASocket = nil) or not ASocket.Connected then exit; SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 18, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDO)); SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 19, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDI)); SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 20, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDI)); result := true; end; function searchRBT(const deviceHead : string): boolean; // Bluetooth デバイスを検索 var ABluetoothManager : TBluetoothManager; APairedDevices : TBluetoothDeviceList; ADevice : TBluetoothDevice; idx, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket = nil) or not ASocket.Connected then begin try ABluetoothManager := TBluetoothManager.Current; if ABluetoothManager.ConnectionState = TBluetoothConnectionState.Connected then begin // 過去にペアリングされたデバイスの一覧から、ターゲット を探す APairedDevices := ABluetoothManager.GetPairedDevices; if APairedDevices.Count > 0 then begin idx := -1; for i := 0 to APairedDevices.Count -1 do begin if (BTDeviceHead = APairedDevices[i].DeviceName) then begin idx := i; break; // リストアップを終了 end; end; if idx >= 0 then begin ADevice := APairedDevices[idx]; if ADevice <> nil then begin ASocket := ADevice.CreateClientSocket(StringToGUID(ServiceUUID), False); if ASocket <> nil then begin // 接続 ASocket.Connect; result := ASocket.Connected; end; end; end; end; end; except on E : Exception do begin ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; end; end; function RBTReceiveData(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var readData: TBytes; ATimeout: Cardinal): integer; // Dobot(Bluetooth) からの応答 var AData : TBytes; i : integer; Ticks : Cardinal; idx : integer; loop : boolean; cnt : integer; begin cnt := 0; idx := 0; Setlength(readData, 64); // 大き目に用意 Ticks := TThread.GetTickCount; loop := True; while loop and (cnt < 500) do begin //Sleep(1); AData := ASocket.ReceiveData; if Length(AData) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to Length(AData) - 1 do begin readData[idx] := AData[i]; // 受信バッファの長さを再セット if idx = 2 then SetLength(readData, readData[2] + 4); Inc(idx); if idx >= Length(readData) then begin loop := False; break; end; end; end; Inc(cnt); if loop then loop := TThread.GetTickCount - Ticks < ATimeout; end; result := idx; end; procedure TForm8.Button10Click(Sender: TObject); // Jog 移動の速度、加速度をセット var velocity : array [0..3] of single; acceleration : array [0..3] of single; i : integer; begin for i:= 0 to 3 do begin velocity[i] := StrToFloatDef(Edit1.Text, 100); acceleration[i] := StrToFloatDef(Edit2.Text, 100);; end; if SetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket, velocity, acceleration) then Memo1.Lines.Add('OK'); end; procedure TForm8.Button11Click(Sender: TObject); // PTP LINE 移動、速度、加速度セット var xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single; begin xyzVelocity := StrToFloatDef(Edit3.Text, 100); xyzAcceleration := StrToFloatDef(Edit4.Text, 100); rVelocity := StrToFloatDef(Edit5.Text, 100); rAcceleration := StrToFloatDef(Edit6.Text, 100); if SetSetPTPCoordinateParams( ASocket, xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Ok'); end; procedure TForm8.Button12Click(Sender: TObject); // PTP CommonParams // 速度係数、加速度係数を取得 // 数値はパーセント var velocityRatio : single; accelerationRatio : single; begin if GetPTPCommonParams(ASocket, velocityRatio, accelerationRatio) then Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('velocityRatio = %.3f, accelerationRatio = %.3f', [velocityRatio, accelerationRatio])); end; procedure TForm8.Button13Click(Sender: TObject); // PTP CommonParams // 速度係数、加速度係数をセット // 数値はパーセント var velocityRatio : single; accelerationRatio : single; begin velocityRatio := 120.0; accelerationRatio := 80.0; if SetPTPCommonParams(ASocket, velocityRatio, accelerationRatio) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Ok'); end; procedure TForm8.Button14Click(Sender: TObject); // HOME 位置セット begin if SetHomeParams(ASocket, 200, 0, 100, 0) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Ok'); end; procedure TForm8.Button15Click(Sender: TObject); // Get ... テスト var x, y, z, r : single; velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single; velocity, acceleration: array [0..3] of single; xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single; i : integer; begin if GetHomeParams(ASocket, x, y, z, r) then Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('X = %.3f, Y = %.3f, Z = %.3f, R = %.3f' , [ x, y, z, r])); if GetJOGCommonParams(ASocket, velocityRatio, accelerationRatio) then Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('velocityRatio = %.3f, accelerationRatio = %.3f', [velocityRatio, accelerationRatio])); if SetJOGCommonParams(ASocket, velocityRatio, accelerationRatio) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Ok'); if GetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket, velocity, acceleration) then begin for i := 0 to 3 do Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('velocity[%d] = %.3f', [i, velocity[i]])); for i := 0 to 3 do Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('acceleration[%d] = %.3f', [i, acceleration[i]])); end; if GetPTPCoordinateParams( ASocket, xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('xyzVelocity = %.3f, rVelocity = %.3f' , [xyzVelocity, rVelocity])); Memo1.Lines.Add(Format('xyzAcceleration = %.3f, rAcceleration = %.3f' , [xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration])); end; end; procedure TForm8.Button16Click(Sender: TObject); // デバイス名セット var deviceName : string; begin deviceName := 'Dobot No.2'; if SetDeviceName(ASocket, deviceName) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Ok'); end; procedure TForm8.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // Bluetooth 検索、接続 begin if searchRBT(BTDeviceHead) then begin SetQueuedCmdClear(ASocket); SetQueuedCmdStartExec(ASocket); Memo1.Lines.Add('CONNECT'); dobotSetupIO(ASocket); end; end; procedure TForm8.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); // 吸引カップ 反転 // グリッパーの場合は、ctrl = 0 で OFF になる // ctrl = 1 にし、suck で 開閉をコントロール可能 var ctrl, suck: Byte; begin if GetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket, ctrl, suck) then begin SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket, 1, not suck and 1); // 反転 end; end; procedure TForm8.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); // ホーミング begin runFlag := True; // 非常停止に対応するため if SetHomeCmd(ASocket) then Memo1.Lines.Add('HOME END'); end; procedure TForm8.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); // PTP 移動 var pose, adeg : array [0..3] of single; begin // MOVL_XYZ = 直線移動 // 直線になるようにアームの角度を細かく補正しているので、MOVJ より遅くなる // X,Y 位置を変えずに垂直移動する場合に使用 // MOVJ_XYZ = ジャンプ移動 // 直線補正をせずに最小限のアーム移動をする // このため、Z 値のみの移動でも円弧動作になる // MOVL よりかなり速い // 通常の移動はこれを使用 // JUMP_XYZ = ピック&プレース移動 // 予め高さ制限を設定しておくと、始点-終点の指定のみで、 // ピック&プレース動作になる // 速さは 同じ動作を MOVJ, MOVL で行った場合より若干速い if GetPose(ASocket, pose[0], pose[1], pose[2], pose[3], adeg[0], adeg[1], adeg[2], adeg[3]) then begin runFlag := True; // 直線移動 SetPTPCmd(ASocket, Ord(TPTPMode.MOVL_XYZ), pose[0] + 20, pose[1] + 20, pose[2] + 20, pose[3]); // ジャンプ移動 SetPTPCmd(ASocket, Ord(TPTPMode.MOVJ_XYZ), pose[0], pose[1], pose[2] , pose[3]); end; end; procedure TForm8.Button5Click(Sender: TObject); // アラームクリア begin ClearAllAlarmsState(ASocket); end; procedure TForm8.Button6Click(Sender: TObject); // アラーム取得 var isAlarm : boolean; res : string; begin // アラームがある場合、res にその内容が TAB 区切りで列挙される GetAlarmsState(ASocket, isAlarm, res); if isAlarm then // TAB をコンマに変換 Memo1.Lines.Add(StringReplace(res, #09, ', ', [rfReplaceAll])); end; procedure TForm8.Button7Click(Sender: TObject); // デバイスシリアルと名前を取得 var dobotSN, dobotName : string; begin if GetDeviceSN(ASocket, dobotSN) then Memo1.Lines.Add('SN = ' + dobotSN); if GetDeviceName(ASocket, dobotName) then Memo1.Lines.Add('Name = ' + dobotName); end; procedure TForm8.Button8Click(Sender: TObject); // コマンド停止 // 以降継続不能となるので、切断→再接続を行う // 使い方は不明・・・ begin if SetQueuedCmdStopExec(ASocket) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('SetQueuedCmdStopExec!!'); // 切断 ASocket.Close; ASocket := nil; // 接続 Button1Click(self); end; end; procedure TForm8.Button9Click(Sender: TObject); // 非常停止 // 以降継続不能となるので、切断→再接続を行う // これ以上スマートな使い方は不明 begin // 非常停止を通知 // 現状の対象は HOMEcmd、PTPcmd、JOGcmd のみ runFlag := false; Application.ProcessMessages; if SetQueuedCmdForceStopExec(ASocket) then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('SetQueuedCmdForceStopExec!!'); ASocket.Close; // 切断 ASocket := nil; Button1Click(self); // 再接続 end; end; procedure TForm8.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Memo1.Lines.Clear; end; procedure TForm8.SpeedButton1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); // Jog コマンド開始 // SpeedButton1 ~ 8 で共用 // SpeedButton1 ~ 8 が、X+. X-, Y+, Y-, Z+, Z-, R+, R-に対応 var jogMode, jogCommand : Byte; begin jogMode := Ord(TJOGModel.COORDINATE_MODEL); // =0 jogCommand := StrToIntDef(Copy((Sender as TSpeedButton).Name, 12), 0); if jogCommand > 0 then begin runFlag := True; SetJogCmd(ASocket, jogMode, jogCommand); end; end; procedure TForm8.SpeedButton1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); // Jog コマンド終了(停止) // SpeedButton1 ~ 8 で共用 var jogMode, jogCommand : Byte; begin jogMode := Ord(TJOGModel.COORDINATE_MODEL); // =0 jogCommand := Ord(TJOGMode.IDEL); // =0 SetJogCmd(ASocket, jogMode, jogCommand); end; procedure TForm8.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); // インターバル = 250 msec var pos, ang : array [0..3] of single; i : integer; edt : TEdit; isAlarm : boolean; res : string; Ticks : Cardinal; //ioValue: Byte; begin if not tmBusy then begin tmBusy := true; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin Ticks := TThread.GetTickCount; // リアルタイムポーズ if GetPose(ASocket, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], ang[0], ang[1], ang[2], ang[3]) then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin edt := FindComponent('Edit' + IntToStr(7 + i)) as TEdit; if (edt <> nil) and (edt.Text <> Format('%.3f', [pos[i]])) then edt.Text := Format('%.3f', [pos[i]]); edt := FindComponent('Edit' + IntToStr(11 + i)) as TEdit; if (edt <> nil) and (edt.Text <> Format('%.3f', [ang[i]])) then edt.Text := Format('%.3f', [ang[i]]); end; // X, Y, Z 座標から アーム角度を逆算 { dobotArmAngle(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], A[0], A[1], A[2], J[0], J[1], J[2]); for i := 0 to 2 do begin edt := FindComponent('Edit' + IntToStr(15 + i)) as TEdit; if (edt <> nil) and (edt.Text <> Format('%.3f', [J[i]])) then edt.Text := Format('%.3f', [J[i]]); // 計算誤差 edt := FindComponent('Edit' + IntToStr(18 + i)) as TEdit; if (edt <> nil) and (edt.Text <> Format('%.3f', [ang[i]-J[i]])) then edt.Text := Format('%.3f', [ang[i]-J[i]]); end; } // 計算上の可動範囲の確認 // 可動範囲内か if not dobotCheckXYZ(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) then begin if Edit22.Text <> 'NG' then Edit22.Text := 'NG'; end else begin if Edit22.Text <> '' then Edit22.Text := ''; end; end; // アラーム取得 res := ''; if GetAlarmsState(ASocket, isAlarm, res) then begin if isAlarm then // TAB を変換 res := StringReplace(res, #09, ', ', [rfReplaceAll]); end; if Edit21.Text <> res then Edit21.Text := res; // DIO テスト(結構時間がかかる + 100msec) //GetIODI(ASocket, 19, ioValue); //Memo1.Lines.Add('DI19 = ' + ioValue.ToString); //GetIODI(ASocket, 20, ioValue); //Memo1.Lines.Add('DI20 = ' + ioValue.ToString); //SetIODO(ASocket, 18, not ioValue and 1); // 反転 //GetIODO(ASocket, 18, ioValue); //Memo1.Lines.Add('DO18 = ' + ioValue.ToString); // 処理時間を表示(30~110 msec) Caption := (TThread.GetTickCount - Ticks).ToString + ' msec'; end; tmBusy := false; end; end; end.
// 2020/11/17 Android でテスト済 // 通信の部分は、Windows 同じ unit Unit8; interface uses System.SysUtils, System.Types, System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.Variants, FMX.Types, FMX.Controls, FMX.Forms, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Dialogs, System.Bluetooth, System.Bluetooth.Components, FMX.StdCtrls, FMX.Controls.Presentation, FMX.Edit, FMX.Layouts, FMX.ScrollBox, FMX.Memo, FMX.Objects, math, FMX.Ani, FMX.ListBox, System.IniFiles, System.IOUtils; type TPTPMode = ( JUMP_XYZ, MOVJ_XYZ, MOVL_XYZ, JUMP_ANGLE, MOVJ_ANGLE, MOVL_ANGLE, MOVJ_INC, MOVL_INC ); TJOGMode = ( IDEL, // Invalid status AP_DOWN, // X+ / Joint1+ AN_DOWN, // X- / Joint1- BP_DOWN, // Y+ / Joint2+ BN_DOWN, // Y- / Joint2- CP_DOWN, // Z+ / Joint3+ CN_DOWN, // Z- / Joint3- DP_DOWN, // R+ / Joint4+ DN_DOWN, // R- / Joint4- LP_DOWN, // L+. Only when the parameter isJoint=1, the LP_DOWN is available LN_DOWN // L-. Only when the parameter isJoint=1, the LN_DOWN is available ); TJOGModel = ( COORDINATE_MODEL, JOINT_MODEL ); TIOFunction = ( IOFunctionDummy, // Do not config function IOFunctionPWM, // PWM Output IOFunctionDO, // IO Output IOFunctionDI, // IO Intput IOFunctionADC // AD Input ); type TForm8 = class(TForm) ScaledLayout1: TScaledLayout; Edit1: TEdit; Button1: TButton; Bluetooth1: TBluetooth; Rectangle1: TRectangle; Label1: TLabel; Rectangle2: TRectangle; Label2: TLabel; Rectangle3: TRectangle; Label3: TLabel; Rectangle4: TRectangle; Label4: TLabel; Rectangle5: TRectangle; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; Rectangle6: TRectangle; Rectangle7: TRectangle; Rectangle8: TRectangle; Label7: TLabel; Label8: TLabel; Rectangle9: TRectangle; Rectangle10: TRectangle; Label10: TLabel; Rectangle11: TRectangle; Label11: TLabel; Rectangle12: TRectangle; Label12: TLabel; Rectangle13: TRectangle; Label13: TLabel; Button2: TButton; Rectangle14: TRectangle; Button3: TButton; Rectangle15: TRectangle; Button4: TButton; Rectangle16: TRectangle; Rectangle17: TRectangle; Rectangle18: TRectangle; Rectangle19: TRectangle; Rectangle20: TRectangle; Rectangle21: TRectangle; Rectangle22: TRectangle; Rectangle23: TRectangle; Rectangle24: TRectangle; Rectangle25: TRectangle; Rectangle26: TRectangle; Rectangle27: TRectangle; Rectangle28: TRectangle; Rectangle29: TRectangle; Button5: TButton; Button6: TButton; Button7: TButton; Button8: TButton; Button9: TButton; Button10: TButton; Button11: TButton; Button12: TButton; ComboBox1: TComboBox; Button13: TButton; Button14: TButton; Button15: TButton; Label9: TLabel; Rectangle30: TRectangle; Rectangle31: TRectangle; Label14: TLabel; Rectangle32: TRectangle; Label15: TLabel; Rectangle33: TRectangle; Label16: TLabel; Rectangle35: TRectangle; Label18: TLabel; Rectangle36: TRectangle; Label19: TLabel; Rectangle37: TRectangle; Label20: TLabel; Rectangle34: TRectangle; Label17: TLabel; Rectangle38: TRectangle; Label21: TLabel; Timer2: TTimer; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button5MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); procedure Button5MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); procedure Button13Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button14Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button15Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); private { private 宣言 } public { public 宣言 } end; var Form8: TForm8; ADevice : TBluetoothDevice; ASocket : TBluetoothSocket; AlarmCode : array of string = [ '$00', 'ERR_COMMON_RESET', '$10', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_SINGULARITY', '$11', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_CALC', '$12', 'ERR_PLAN_INV_LIMIT', '$13', 'ERR_PLAN_PUSH_DATA_REPEAT', '$14', 'ERR_PLAN_ARC_INPUT_PARAM', '$15', 'ERR_PLAN_JUMP_PARAM', '$20', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_SINGULARITY', '$21', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_CALC', '$22', 'ERR_MOVE_INV_LIMIT', '$30', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS1', '$31', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS2', '$32', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS3', '$33', 'ERR_OVERSPEED_AXIS4', '$40', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS1_POS', '$41', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS1_NEG', '$42', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS2_POS', '$43', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS2_NEG', '$44', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS3_POS', '$45', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS3_NEG', '$46', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS4_POS', '$47', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS4_NEG', '$48', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS23_POS', '$49', 'ERR_LIMIT_AXIS23_NEG', '$50', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS1', '$51', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS2', '$52', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS3', '$53', 'ERR_LOSE_STEP_AXIS4' ]; //runFlag : boolean; // 非常停止通知、検出用 //tmBusy : boolean; // インターバルタイマーで処理中 CMDMODE : integer; GB_queuedCmdIndex : UInt64; BTDeviceHead : string; const // SPP(Serial Port Profile) による通信のUUID ServiceUUID = '{00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}'; // 検索する BT デバイス名 // デフォルト 'EasyBT' を 'RBT-001' に変更している //BTDeviceHead = 'RBT-001'; // プロトタイプ function RBTReceiveData(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var readData: TBytes; ATimeout: Cardinal): integer; function GetPose(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single; var a0, a1, a2, a3: single): boolean; implementation {$R *.fmx} function SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; ioFunction: Byte): boolean; // 多重入出力を設定 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 130; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; // EIO Num(1..20) B[6] := ioFunction; // TIOFunction, // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 130); end; end; function SetPTPCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 8; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 83; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[5 + i] := velocityRatio.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[9 + i] := accelerationRatio.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 83); end; end; function GetIODI(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; var ioValue: Byte):boolean; // GetIODI 入力状態を取得 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 133; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = r, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; B[6] := 0; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 133) and (B[5] = ioAddress); if result then ioValue := B[6]; end; end; function GetIODO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; var ioLevel: Byte): boolean; // 出力状態を取得 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, 8); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 131; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = r, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; B[6] := 0; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 131) and (B[5] = ioAddress); if result then ioLevel := B[6]; end; end; function SetIODO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ioAddress: Byte; ioLevel: Byte): boolean; // 出力 var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len= 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len= 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 131; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = False; B[5] := ioAddress; // EIO Num(1..20) B[6] := ioLevel; // Level output 0-Low level 1-High level // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 131); end; end; function GetPTPCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 83; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $AD; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 83); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocityRatio.Bytes[i] := B[5 + i]; accelerationRatio.Bytes[i] := B[9 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // JOG 移動 速度係数、加速度係数設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 8; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 72; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := velocityRatio.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := accelerationRatio.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 72); end; end; function GetJOGCommonParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocityRatio, accelerationRatio: single): boolean; // PTP 移動 速度係数、加速度係数取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 72; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $B8; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 72); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocityRatio.Bytes[i] := B[5 + i]; accelerationRatio.Bytes[i] := B[9 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetSetPTPCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single): boolean; // PTP LINE 移動 速度、加速度設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 16; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 81; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := xyzVelocity.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := rVelocity.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[13 + i] := xyzAcceleration.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[17 + i] := rAcceleration.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 81); end; end; function GetPTPCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var xyzVelocity, rVelocity, xyzAcceleration, rAcceleration: single): boolean; var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 81; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $AF; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 81); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin xyzVelocity.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; rVelocity.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; xyzAcceleration.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; rAcceleration.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; velocity, acceleration: array of single): boolean; // Jog移動 X, Y, Z R 軸の速度と加速度 var B : TBytes; len, i, j : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 32; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 71; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for j := 0 to 3 do begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin B[ 5 + j * 4 + i] := velocity[j].Bytes[i]; // X,Y, Z, R axis B[21 + j * 4 + i] := acceleration[j].Bytes[i]; end; end; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 71); end; end; function GetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var velocity: array of single; var acceleration: array of single): boolean; var i, j, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 71; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $B9; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 71); if result then begin for j := 0 to 3 do begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin velocity[j].Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + j * 4 + i]; acceleration[j].Bytes[i] := B[21 + j * 4 + i]; end; end; end; end; end; function SetQueuedCmdClear(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 245; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0A; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 245); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdStartExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len +4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 240; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0F; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 240); end; end; function SetDeviceName(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; const deviceName: string): boolean; // デバイス名をセット var B, temp : TBytes; len, i, n : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin temp := TEncoding.ANSI.GetBytes(deviceName); n := Length(temp); len := 2 + n; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 1; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to n - 1 do B[5 + i] := temp[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; // チェックサム B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 1); end; end; function GetDeviceName(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var deviceName: string): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; i : Integer; begin result := false; deviceName := ''; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 1; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $FF; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 1); if result then begin for i := 5 to len - 2 do deviceName := deviceName + Char(B[i]); end; end; end; function GetDeviceSN(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var deviceSN: string): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; i : Integer; begin result := false; deviceSN := ''; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 0; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $00; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 0); if result then begin for i := 5 to len - 2 do deviceSN := deviceSN + Char(B[i]); end; end; end; function GetAlarmsState(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isAlarm: boolean; var res: string): boolean; // アラーム取得 var alarmsState: array [0..15] of Byte; B : TBytes; len : integer; i, j, idx, k : Integer; begin result := false; isAlarm := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 20; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $EC; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 20); if result then begin for i := 0 to 15 do alarmsState[i] := B[5 + i]; for i := 1 to 15 do begin // alarmsState[0] は無視 if alarmsState[i] > 0 then begin isAlarm := true; break; end; end; end; end; // アラーム内容(文字列)を作成 if isAlarm then begin for i := 1 to 15 do begin // alarmsState[0] は無視 for j := 0 to 7 do begin if (alarmsState[i] and (1 shl j)) > 0 then begin idx := i * 8 + j; res := ''; for k := 0 to Length(AlarmCode) div 2 - 1 do begin if idx = StrToInt(AlarmCode[k * 2]) then res := res + AlarmCode[k * 2 + 1] + #09; // TAB を追加 end; res := Trim(res); // 最後の #09 を削除 end; end; end; end; end; function ClearAllAlarmsState(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // アラームクリア var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 20; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $EB; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 20); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdStopExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 241; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0E; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 241); end; end; function SetQueuedCmdForceStopExec(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 242; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; // チェックサム B[5] := $0D; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 242); end; end; function GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var queuedCmdCurrentIndex: Uint64): boolean; // コマンドキューの現在の位置 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 246; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $0A; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 2000); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 246); if result then begin queuedCmdCurrentIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdCurrentIndex := queuedCmdCurrentIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); end; end; end; function SetHomeParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; x, y, z, r: single): boolean; // HOME 位置設定 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 16; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 30; // id; B[4] := 1; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = false; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 5 + i] := x.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 9 + i] := y.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[13 + i] := z.Bytes[i]; for i := 0 to 3 do B[17 + i] := r.Bytes[i]; // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 30); end; end; function GetHomeParams(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single): boolean; // ホーム座標を取得 var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 30; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $E2; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 30); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin x.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; y.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; z.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; r.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; end; end; end; end; function SetHomeCmdEx(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // HomeCmd ホーミング var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 4; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 31; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; // ダミー(4バイト) for i := 0 to 3 do B[5 + i] := 0; // チェックサム B[9] := $DE; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 31); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex) else break; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); end; end; end; end; function SetHomeCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket;var queuedCmdIndex : Uint64): boolean; // HomeCmd ホーミング var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 4; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 31; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; // ダミー(4バイト) for i := 0 to 3 do B[5 + i] := 0; // チェックサム B[9] := $DE; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 31); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); end; end; end; function SetPTPCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ptpMode: Byte; toX, toY, toZ, toR: single): boolean; // PTPCmd var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 17; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 84; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; B[5] := ptpMode;// PTPMode 2= MOVL_XYZ for i := 0 to 3 do B[ 6 + i] := toX.Bytes[i]; // X for i := 0 to 3 do B[10 + i] := toY.Bytes[i]; // Y for i := 0 to 3 do B[14 + i] := toZ.Bytes[i]; // Z for i := 0 to 3 do B[18 + i] := toR.Bytes[i]; // R // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 84); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex) else break; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); end; end; end; end; function SetJOGCmd(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; jogMode: Byte; jogCommand: Byte): boolean; // JogCmd // jogMode 0 で X, Y, Z 方向に動く。方向は、 jogCommand で指定 // jog 開始は、方向を指定。停止するまで動き続ける // Jog 停止は、jogCommand に 0 を指定。 // スピードが速すぎると、使いにくい var checkSum : Byte; i, len : integer; B : TBytes; queuedCmdIndex : Uint64; executedCmdIndex : Uint64; x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3 : single; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 73; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w = W, isQueued = True; B[5] := jogMode; // Jog mode 0-coordinate jog 1-Joint jog B[6] := jogCommand; // Jog command(Value range0..8) // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 73); if result then begin queuedCmdIndex := 0; for i := 0 to 7 do queuedCmdIndex := queuedCmdIndex or (Uint64(B[5 + i]) shl (i * 8)); executedCmdIndex := 0; while result and (executedCmdIndex < queuedCmdIndex) do begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); if result then result := GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex) else break; end; if result then begin result := GetPose(ASocket, x, y, z, r, a0, a1, a2, a3); end; end; end; end; function GetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isCtrlEnable: Byte; var isSucked: Byte): boolean; // 吸引カップの状態を取得 var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 62; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; B[5] := $C2; // checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 62); if result then begin isCtrlEnable := B[5]; isSucked := B[6]; end; end; end; function SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ctrl, suck: Byte):boolean; // 吸引カップ ON/OFF var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : Byte; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 62; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = True; B[5] := ctrl; // CtrlEnable B[6] := suck; // Suck // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 62); end; end; function GetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var isCtrlEnable: Byte; var isGripped: Byte): boolean; // グリッパーの状態を取得 var B : TBytes; len : integer; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 63; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w($01) = R, isQueued($02) = false; B[5] := $C1; // checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 63); if result then begin isCtrlEnable := B[5]; isGripped := B[6]; end; end; end; function SetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; ctrl, grip: Byte):boolean; // 吸引カップ ON/OFF var B : TBytes; len, i : integer; checkSum : Byte; begin result := False; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 2; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 63; // id; B[4] := 3; // ctrl r/w($01) = W, isQueued($02) = True; B[5] := ctrl; // CtrlEnabled B[6] := grip; // Grip // チェックサム checkSum := 0; for i := 3 to len + 2 do checkSum := checkSum + B[i]; checkSum := $100 - checkSum; B[len + 3] := checkSum; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 500); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 63); end; end; function GetPose(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var x, y, z, r: single; var a0, a1, a2, a3: single): boolean; // GetPose 現在値を取得 var i, len : integer; B : TBytes; begin result := false; if (ASocket <> nil) and ASocket.Connected then begin len := 2 + 0; // len = 2 + Payload Len; SetLength(B, len + 4); B[0] := $AA; B[1] := $AA; B[2] := len; // len = 2 + Payload Len; B[3] := 10; // id; B[4] := 0; // ctrl r/w = R, isQueued = False; // チェックサム B[5] := $F6; // 送信 ASocket.SendData(B); // 受信 len := RBTReceiveData(ASocket, B, 1000); result := (len = B[2] + 4) and (B[3] = 10); if result then begin for i := 0 to 3 do begin x.Bytes[i] := B[ 5 + i]; y.Bytes[i] := B[ 9 + i]; z.Bytes[i] := B[13 + i]; r.Bytes[i] := B[17 + i]; a0.Bytes[i] := B[21 + i]; a1.Bytes[i] := B[25 + i]; a2.Bytes[i] := B[29 + i]; a3.Bytes[i] := B[33 + i]; end; end; end; end; // Dobot Magician アーム角度を取得 // x, y, z : エンドエフェクタの位置 // A1, A2, A3 : 主軸の回転角度、アーム 1 の傾斜角度, アーム 2 の角度(アーム 1 からの傾斜角度) // J1, J2, J3 : 主軸の回転角度、アーム 1 の角度(垂直で 0)アーム 2 の傾斜角度(水平で 0) function dobotArmAngle(x, y, z: double; var A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3 : double): boolean; // uses ,,,, math; var th1, th2, th3 : double; phi, l, ld : double; L1, L2, L3, L4 : double; begin L1 := 0.0; // アーム基点の高さ(Dobot Magician の場合: 0) L2 := 135.0; // アーム1の辺の長さ L3 := 146.74; // アーム2の辺の長さ(147.0mm) L4 := 60.0; // エンドエフェクタの突き出し部分(必ず水平である) result := false; // X-Y平面上のアーム部分の長さ l := sqrt(x * x + y * y) - L4 ; if (l > L4) then begin // X-Y 平面上のアームの角度 // Dobot の場合、-125~ +125 度であること th1 := arctan2(y, x); // アーム1、2の底辺の長さ ld := sqrt(l * l + (z - L1) * (z - L1)); result := (ld > 0) and (ld < (L2 + L3)); if result then begin // アーム基点から先端への仰角 // アーム1、アーム2底辺の三角形の基点側の内角 phi := arctan2((z - L1), l); // アーム1の角度 th2 := phi + arccos((ld * ld + L2 * L2 - L3 * L3) / (2.0 * ld * L2)); // アーム2のアーム1からの角度 th3 := arcsin((ld * ld - L2 * L2 - L3 * L3) / (2.0 * L2 * L3)) + PI / 2.0; // ラジアン->デグリ換算 A1 := th1 * 180.0 / PI; A2 := th2 * 180.0 / PI ; A3 := th3 * 180.0 / PI ; // Dobot Arm の角度表示に変換 J1 := A1; // アーム1の角度(垂直で 0 度、前に傾斜で+方向) // Dobot の場合 -5.0 ~ +84.0 まで J2 := 90.0 - A2; // アーム2の角度(水平で 0 度、前方に下がる方向が+) // Dobot の場合、 -15.0 ~ +75.0 まで J3 := 180.0 - A2 - A3; end; end; end; // 可動範囲内にあるか function dobotCheckXYZ(x, y, z : double): boolean; var A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3 : double; dist1, dist2 : double; begin result := false; if dobotArmAngle(x, y, z, A1, A2, A3, J1, J2, J3) then begin dist1 := sqrt(x * x + y * y); dist2 := sqrt((dist1 - 60.0) * (dist1 - 60.0) + z * z); // (J2 < 89.00) : 大きくすると、下側に(初期値:83.99) // (J3 < 75.00) : 大きくすると、中心方向に(初期値:75.00) result := (J1 > -125.0 ) and (J1 < 125.0) and (J2 > -4.99) and (J2 < 89.9) and (J3 > -14.9) and (J3 < 89.9) and (dist2 <= 268.5); // 268 はアームが最大に伸びた時の長さ(268 ~ 272mm)一直線にはならないため、制限が必要 end; end; function dobotSetupIO(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket): boolean; // IO セットアップ begin result := false; if (ASocket = nil) or not ASocket.Connected then exit; SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 18, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDO)); SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 19, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDI)); SetIOMultiplexing(ASocket, 20, Ord(TioFunction.IOFunctionDI)); result := true; end; function RBTReceiveData(ASocket: TBluetoothSocket; var readData: TBytes; ATimeout: Cardinal): integer; // Dobot(Bluetooth) からの応答 var AData : TBytes; i : integer; Ticks : Cardinal; idx : integer; loop : boolean; cnt : integer; begin cnt := 0; idx := 0; Setlength(readData, 64); // 大き目に用意 Ticks := TThread.GetTickCount; loop := True; while loop and (cnt < 500) do begin //Sleep(1); AData := ASocket.ReceiveData; if Length(AData) > 0 then begin for i := 0 to Length(AData) - 1 do begin readData[idx] := AData[i]; // 受信バッファの長さを再セット if idx = 2 then SetLength(readData, readData[2] + 4); Inc(idx); if idx >= Length(readData) then begin loop := False; break; end; end; end; Inc(cnt); if loop then loop := TThread.GetTickCount - Ticks < ATimeout; end; result := idx; end; function searchRBT(const deviceHead : string): boolean; // Bluetooth デバイスを検索 var ABluetoothManager : TBluetoothManager; APairedDevices : TBluetoothDeviceList; ADevice : TBluetoothDevice; idx, i : integer; begin result := false; if (ASocket = nil) or not ASocket.Connected then begin try ABluetoothManager := TBluetoothManager.Current; if ABluetoothManager.ConnectionState = TBluetoothConnectionState.Connected then begin // 過去にペアリングされたデバイスの一覧から、ターゲット を探す APairedDevices := ABluetoothManager.GetPairedDevices; if APairedDevices.Count > 0 then begin idx := -1; for i := 0 to APairedDevices.Count -1 do begin if (BTDeviceHead = APairedDevices[i].DeviceName) then begin idx := i; break; // リストアップを終了 end; end; if idx >= 0 then begin ADevice := APairedDevices[idx]; if ADevice <> nil then begin ASocket := ADevice.CreateClientSocket(StringToGUID(ServiceUUID), False); if ASocket <> nil then begin // 接続 ASocket.Connect; result := ASocket.Connected; end; end; end; end; end; except on E : Exception do begin ShowMessage(E.Message); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm8.Button13Click(Sender: TObject); // 吸引カップ 吸着・破壊反転 var ctrl, suck: Byte; begin if GetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket, ctrl, suck) then begin SetEndEffectorSuctionCup(ASocket, 1, not suck and 1); // 反転 end; end; procedure TForm8.Button14Click(Sender: TObject); // グリッパー開・閉反転 var ctrl, grip: Byte; begin if GetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket, ctrl, grip) then begin SetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket, 1, not grip and 1); // 反転 end; end; procedure TForm8.Button15Click(Sender: TObject); // グリッパー、吸引カップ停止 begin SetEndEffectorGripper(ASocket, 0, 0); // OFF end; procedure TForm8.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); // 接続 var dobotSN, dobotName : string; velocity : array [0..3] of single; acceleration : array [0..3] of single; i : integer; IniFile: TMemIniFile; // uses ,,, System.IniFiles; begin if Edit1.Text = '' then begin BTDeviceHead := 'RBT-001'; Edit1.Text:= BTDeviceHead; end else BTDeviceHead := Edit1.Text; IniFile := TMemIniFile.Create(System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine( System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'dobotBT.ini'), TEncoding.UTF8); // uses ,,, System.IOUtils; with IniFile do begin try WriteString('RBT-001', 'DeviceName', Edit1.Text); UpdateFile; finally Free; end; end; if searchRBT(BTDeviceHead) then begin //Edit1.Text:= BTDeviceHead; SetQueuedCmdClear(ASocket); SetQueuedCmdStartExec(ASocket); if GetDeviceSN(ASocket, dobotSN) then Label5.Text := dobotSN; if GetDeviceName(ASocket, dobotName) then Label6.Text := dobotName; for i := 0 to 3 do begin // JOG 初期速度 velocity[i] := 100; acceleration[i] := 100; end; SetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket, velocity, acceleration); SetJOGCommonParams(ASocket, 100, 100); CMDMODE := 202; // モニタモード Timer2.Enabled := true; end; end; procedure TForm8.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); // アラームクリア begin ClearAllAlarmsState(ASocket); end; procedure TForm8.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); // 非常停止 begin CMDMODE := 0; Timer2.Enabled := False; if SetQueuedCmdForceStopExec(ASocket) then begin ASocket.Close; // 切断 ASocket := nil; Button1Click(self); // 再接続 end; end; procedure TForm8.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); // Home begin CMDMODE := 101; Timer2.Enabled := True; end; procedure TForm8.Button5MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); // JOG 開始 var jogMode, jogCommand : Byte; btn : TButton; begin jogMode := Ord(TJOGModel.COORDINATE_MODEL); // =0 btn := Sender as TButton; if btn <> nil then begin jogCommand := StrToIntDef(Copy(btn.Name, 7), 0) - 4; if jogCommand > 0 then begin SetJogCmd(ASocket, jogMode, jogCommand); end; end; end; procedure TForm8.Button5MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Single); // JOG 停止 var jogMode, jogCommand : Byte; begin jogMode := Ord(TJOGModel.COORDINATE_MODEL); // =0 jogCommand := Ord(TJOGMode.IDEL); // =0 SetJogCmd(ASocket, jogMode, jogCommand); end; procedure TForm8.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); // JOG の速度をセット var spd : single; velocity : array [0..3] of single; acceleration : array [0..3] of single; i : integer; begin spd := 100; with ComboBox1 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then begin spd := StrToFloatDef(Items[ItemIndex], 100); end; end; // Jog 移動の速度、加速度をセット for i:= 0 to 3 do begin velocity[i] := spd; acceleration[i] := spd; end; SetJOGCoordinateParams(ASocket, velocity, acceleration); SetJOGCommonParams(ASocket, 100, 100); end; procedure TForm8.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); // フォーム生成 var btn : TButton; lbl : TLabel; i : integer; //IniFile: TMemIniFile; // uses ,,, System.IniFiles; begin for i := 1 to 12 do begin btn := FindComponent('Button' + IntToStr(i)) as TButton; if btn <> nil then btn.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; end; for i := 13 to 15 do begin btn := FindComponent('Button' + IntToStr(i)) as TButton; if btn <> nil then btn.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; end; for i := 1 to 4 do begin lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(i)) as TLabel; if lbl <> nil then lbl.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(i+9)) as TLabel; if lbl <> nil then lbl.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; end; for i := 1 to 8 do begin lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(i)) as TLabel; if lbl <> nil then lbl.text := ''; lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(i+13)) as TLabel; if lbl <> nil then begin if i > 4 then lbl.text := ''; lbl.Align := TAlignLayout.Client; end; end; // 縦画面に固定 Application.FormFactor.Orientations := [TFormOrientation.Portrait, TFormOrientation.InvertedPortrait]; IniFile := TMemIniFile.Create(System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine( System.IOUtils.TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'dobotBT.ini'), TEncoding.UTF8); // uses ,,, System.IOUtils; with IniFile do begin try Edit1.Text := ReadString('RBT-001', 'DeviceName', ''); finally Free; end; end; end; procedure TForm8.Timer2Timer(Sender: TObject); var executedCmdIndex: UInt64; pos, ang : array [0..3] of single; i : integer; lbl : TLabel; isAlarm : boolean; res : string; Ticks : Cardinal; dist1, dist2 : double; begin case CMDMODE of // HOME 101:begin Timer2.Enabled := False; if SetHomeCmd(ASocket, GB_queuedCmdIndex) then begin CMDMODE := 102; // GetPose... end else CMDMODE := 202; // モニタを続ける Timer2.Enabled := True; end; // GetPose 102,202:begin Timer2.Enabled := False; Ticks := TThread.GetTickCount; if GetPose(ASocket, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], ang[0], ang[1], ang[2], ang[3]) then begin dist1 := sqrt(pos[0] * pos[0] + pos[1] * pos[1]); dist2 := sqrt((dist1 - 60.0) * (dist1 - 60.0) + pos[2] * pos[2]); for i := 0 to 3 do begin lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(1 + i)) as TLabel; if (lbl <> nil) then begin if (lbl.Text <> Format('%.2f ', [pos[i]])) then lbl.Text := Format('%.2f ', [pos[i]]); end; end; // アーム角度 for i := 0 to 3 do begin lbl := FindComponent('Label' + IntToStr(18 + i)) as TLabel; if (lbl <> nil) then begin case i of 0:begin if (lbl.Text <> Format('%.2f ', [ang[i]])) then lbl.Text := Format('%.2f ', [ang[i]]); if (ang[i] > -125) and (ang[i] < 125) then lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Black else lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Red; end; 1:begin if (lbl.Text <> Format('%.2f ', [ang[1]])) then lbl.Text := Format('%.2f ', [ang[i]]); if (ang[1] > -4.99) and (ang[1] < 89.9) then lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Black else lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Red; end; 2:begin if (lbl.Text <> Format('%.2f ', [ang[2]])) then lbl.Text := Format('%.2f ', [ang[2]]); if (ang[2] > -14.9) and (ang[2] < 89.9) then lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Black else lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Red; end; 3: begin if (lbl.Text <> Format('%.2f ', [dist2])) then lbl.Text := Format('%.2f ', [dist2]); if (dist2 > 268.5) then lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Red else lbl.TextSettings.FontColor := TAlphaColors.Black; end; end; end; end; // アラーム取得 res := ''; if GetAlarmsState(ASocket, isAlarm, res) then begin if isAlarm then // TAB を変換 res := StringReplace(res, #09, ', ', [rfReplaceAll]); end; if Label7.Text <> res then Label7.Text := res; // 計算上の可動範囲の確認 // 可動範囲内か if not dobotCheckXYZ(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) then begin if Rectangle30.Fill.Color <> TAlphaColorRec.Red then Rectangle30.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Red; end else begin if Rectangle30.Fill.Color <> TAlphaColorRec.Lime then Rectangle30.Fill.Color := TAlphaColorRec.Lime; end; Label8.Text := (TThread.GetTickCount - Ticks).ToString + ' msec'; if CMDMODE = 102 then CMDMODE := 103; // GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex ... end else CMDMODE := 202; // モニタを続ける Timer2.Enabled := True; end; // GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex 103:begin Timer2.Enabled := False; if GetQueuedCmdCurrentIndex(ASocket, executedCmdIndex) then begin if executedCmdIndex < GB_queuedCmdIndex then CMDMODE := 102 // GetPose else CMDMODE := 202; // モニタを続ける end else CMDMODE := 202; // モニタを続ける Timer2.Enabled := True; end; end; end; end.