BcadPlot.exe for Bricscad V13~V19
2019/01/03 プロットコンフィグの取得が間違っていたのを手直ししました。(ソースコードのみの修正)
2017/08/19 印刷スタイル一覧の最後が取得できないのを手直ししました。
2017/08/19 V17 の doc.Plot.PlotToDevice() で尺度が反映されるのを確認しました。
・Bricscad で編集中の図面を連続で印刷します。
印刷尺度は、システム変数 LIMMAX、LIMMIN から、A3横またはA4横サイズを基準として計算されます。
・Bricscad で編集中の図面情報(属性)を一括で変更します。
・Bricscad のバージョン、OS環境(32bit/64bit)等により、動かない場合があります。
BcadPlot.zip (Ver.0.98 EXE本体+サンプル設定ファイル、サンプルLISPのみ)
// 2017/08/19 プロットスタイル CTB, STB 一覧で最後が取得できないのを手直し // 2019/01/03 プロットコンフィグの取得が間違っていたのを手直し unit BcadPlotUnit; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, BricscadApp_TLB, BricscadDb_TLB, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.CheckLst,Comobj, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Grids, IniFiles, System.UITypes, Vcl.ComCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, ClipBrd, Imm, Printers, Winspool; type //BcadPt = array [0..2] of double; TBcadAtt = record BlkName : string; TagName : string; TxtStr : string; colwidth : integer; ImeFlag : boolean; chkFlag : boolean; end; type TForm5 = class(TForm) PageControl1: TPageControl; TabSheet1: TTabSheet; Button1: TButton; SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label5: TLabel; ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; Button2: TButton; Button4: TButton; Label3: TLabel; Edit1: TEdit; StringGrid1: TStringGrid; TabSheet2: TTabSheet; StringGrid2: TStringGrid; ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; Button7: TButton; Label6: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton; Label7: TLabel; ComboBox3: TComboBox; Label8: TLabel; CheckBox1: TCheckBox; TabSheet4: TTabSheet; StringGrid4: TStringGrid; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; Label9: TLabel; Label10: TLabel; Label11: TLabel; Label12: TLabel; Edit4: TEdit; Edit5: TEdit; Edit6: TEdit; Edit3: TEdit; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; Label13: TLabel; Label14: TLabel; Edit7: TEdit; Edit8: TEdit; Label15: TLabel; SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton7: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton8: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton11: TSpeedButton; SpeedButton12: TSpeedButton; Label16: TLabel; Label17: TLabel; SpeedButton13: TSpeedButton; Button3: TButton; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); procedure StringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure StringGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure Button4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBox2Change(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton4Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure StringGrid2KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure StringGrid2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure StringGrid1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton5Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton7Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton8Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton9Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton10Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton11Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton12Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton6Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SpeedButton13Click(Sender: TObject); procedure PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); private { Private 宣言 } LastPrinter, LastCtbStb :string; MbRow, MbCol : integer; public { Public 宣言 } RunFlag : boolean; procedure DispCheckedCount; end; var Form5: TForm5; BcadAttAry : array of TBcadAtt; // ***************************** // プリンター用紙名を取得 // ***************************** procedure GetPrinterPaperNames(iIndex :integer; sl: TStrings); implementation {$R *.dfm} // ***************************** // 印刷チェック数をカウント // ***************************** procedure TForm5.DispCheckedCount; var i, cnt : integer; begin cnt := 0; with StringGrid1 do begin for i := 1 to RowCount - 1 do begin if (Cells[1, i] <> '') and Bool(Objects[1, i]) then Inc(cnt); end; end; // 印刷ボタン Button2.Enabled := cnt > 0; Label5.Caption := IntToStr(cnt); end; // ***************************** // StringGrid でのキー操作 // ***************************** procedure SgKeyDown(SG: TSTringGrid; var Key: Word; Shift:TShiftState); var i, j, k, n : integer; sl : TStringList; s, s1 : string; xflag : boolean; begin if Key = VK_DELETE then begin with SG do begin if (Selection.Top <> Selection.Bottom) or (Selection.Left <> Selection.Right) then begin Key := 0; for i := Selection.Top to Selection.Bottom do begin for j := Selection.Left to Selection.Right do begin Cells[j, i] := ''; end; end; end; end; end; if ssCtrl in Shift then begin if true then begin xflag := (Key = Ord('X')) or (Key = Ord('x')); if (Key = Ord('C')) or (Key = Ord('c')) or xflag then begin Key := 0; Clipboard.AsText := ''; with SG do begin for i := Selection.Top to Selection.Bottom do begin for j := Selection.Left to Selection.Right do begin Clipboard.AsText := Clipboard.AsText + Cells[j, i]; if j < Selection.Right then Clipboard.AsText := Clipboard.AsText + #9 else Clipboard.AsText := Clipboard.AsText + #13#10; end; end; if xflag then begin for i := Selection.Top to Selection.Bottom do begin for j := Selection.Left to Selection.Right do begin Cells[j, i] := ''; end; end; end; end; end else if (Key = Ord('V')) or (Key = Ord('v')) then begin //with SG do // if EditorMode then EditorMode := false; Key := 0; with SG do begin sl := TStringList.Create; try s := Clipboard.AsText; while true do begin k := Pos(#13#10, s); if k = 0 then break else begin sl.Add(Copy(s, 1, k - 1)); Delete(s, 1, k + 1); end; end; for i := 0 to sl.Count-1 do begin s := SL[i]; j := 0; while true do begin k := Pos(#9, s); if k = 0 then begin s1 := Copy(s, 1, Length(s)); end else begin s1 := Copy(s, 1, k - 1); Delete(s, 1, k); end; Cells[Selection.Left + j,Selection.Top + i] := s1; n := 1; while true do begin if Selection.Bottom < Selection.Top + i + (sl.Count * n) then break else begin Cells[Selection.Left + j, Selection.Top + i + (sl.Count * n)] := s1; end; Inc(n); end; if k = 0 then break; Inc(j); end; end; finally sl.Free; end; end; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // Bricscad のドキュメントから属性を取得 // ***************************** function GetAttString(doc : AcadDocument; const BlkName : string; const TagName : string): string; var mspc : AcadModelSpace; ent : AcadEntity; blkref : AcadBlockReference; attr : OleVariant; att : AcadAttributeReference; idisp : IDispatch; j , n, m, k : integer; begin Result := ''; mspc := doc.ModelSpace; if mspc.Count > 0 then begin for j := 0 to mspc.Count - 1 do begin ent := mspc.Item(j); if 'AcDbBlockReference' = ent.EntityName then begin blkref := ent as AcadBlockReference; if blkref.HasAttributes then begin if blkname = blkref.Name then begin attr := blkref.GetAttributes; n := VarArrayLowBound(attr, 1); m := VarArrayHighBound(attr, 1); for k := n to m do begin // 個々の属性を取得 idisp := attr[k]; att := idisp as AcadAttributeReference; if TagName = att.TagString then begin Result := att.TextString; Break; end; end; break; end; end; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // StringGrid の Col の値でソート // ***************************** procedure SgSortByCol2(sg : TStringGrid; col1, col2 :integer; NumFlag:boolean); var i, j : integer; sl, sltemp : TStringList; s1, s0 : string; begin // ソート sl := TStringList.Create; try sltemp := TStringList.Create; try with sg do begin for i := 1 to RowCount -2 do begin s0 := ''; if col1 >= 0 then s0 := s0 + Cells[col1, i]; if col2 >= 0 then s0 := s0 + Cells[col2, i]; for j := i + 1 to RowCount -1 do begin s1 := ''; if col1 >= 0 then s1 := s1 + Cells[col1, j]; if col2 >= 0 then s1 := s1 + Cells[col2, j]; if (not NumFlag and (s0 > s1)) or (NumFlag and (StrToIntDef(s0, 0) > StrToIntDef(s1, 0))) then begin slTemp.Assign(Rows[i]); Rows[i] := Rows[j]; Rows[j] := slTemp; s0 := s1; end; end; end; end; finally slTemp.Free; end; finally sl.Free; end; end; // ***************************** // タブ区切り設定ファイルを読込 // ***************************** function ReadTsv:integer; var sl, sltemp : TStringList; i, cnt : integer; tsvname : TFileName; begin result := 0; cnt := 0; tsvname := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.tsv'); if FileExists(tsvName) then begin sl := TStringList.Create; try sltemp := TStringList.Create; try // スペースは区切りとしない sltemp.StrictDelimiter := True; // 区切り文字を TAB に sltemp.Delimiter := #09; // TAB sl.LoadFromFile(tsvname); SetLength(BcadAttAry, sl.Count + 2); for i := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do begin sltemp.DelimitedText := sl[i]; if sltemp.Count >= 4 then begin with BcadAttAry[cnt + 2] do begin TxtStr := sltemp[0]; BlkName := sltemp[1]; TagName := sltemp[2]; colwidth := StrToIntDef(sltemp[3], 0); if sltemp.Count >= 5 then ImeFlag := UpperCase(sltemp[4]) = 'ON' else ImeFlag := False; chkFlag := false; end; Inc(cnt); end; end; SetLength(BcadAttAry, cnt + 2); // 取得数 result := cnt; finally sltemp.Free; end; finally sl.Free; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 内部データをStringGridに // ***************************** procedure BcadAttAryToSettingSg(sg : TStringGrid); var i, cnt : integer; begin cnt := Length(BcadAttAry); with sg do begin RowCount := cnt -1; ColCount := 6; for i := 2 to cnt -1 do begin with BCadAttAry[i] do begin Cells[0, i-1] := IntToStr(i-1); Cells[1, i-1] := TxtStr; Cells[2, i-1] := BlkName; Cells[3, i-1] := TagName; Cells[4, i-1] := colwidth.ToString; if ImeFlag then Cells[5, i-1]:= 'ON' else Cells[5, i-1]:= ''; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 内部データをStringGridに // ***************************** procedure BcadAttAryToDispSg(sg : TStringGrid; stIndex: integer); var i, cnt : integer; begin cnt := Length(BcadAttAry); with sg do begin ColCount := cnt + 3; // 最後は非表示 ColWidths[cnt-1] := 0; for i := 2 to cnt -1 do begin with BCadAttAry[i] do begin Cells[stIndex + i-2, 0] := TxtStr; ColWidths[stIndex + i -2] := colwidth; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷:BricsCAD より取得 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var app : IAcadApplication; docs : IAcadDocuments; doc : IAcadDocument; layout : IAcadLayout; i , idx : integer; limmax, limmin : OleVariant; //cfg : IAcadPlotConfiguration; tablenames : OleVariant; n : integer; sdir : string; cnt : integer; mspc : AcadModelSpace; ent : AcadEntity; blkref : AcadBlockReference; att : AcadAttributeReference; j, k : integer; attr : OleVariant; l, m, a: integer; idisp : IDispatch; s :string; arycnt : integer; dwgname , dwgprefix :string; chkcnt : integer; begin try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('サポートされていません.'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); Exit; end; try docs := app.Documents; doc := app.ActiveDocument; sdir := doc.GetVariable('DWGPREFIX'); Edit1.Text := sdir; Edit2.Text := sdir; cnt := 0; arycnt := Length(BcadAttAry); if docs.Count > 0 then begin with Progressbar1 do begin Max := docs.Count; Position := 0; end; with StringGrid1 do begin RowCount := docs.Count + 1; for i := 1 to RowCount -1 do for j := 0 to ColCount -1 do Cells[j, i] := ''; end; with StringGrid2 do begin RowCount := docs.Count + 1; for i := 1 to RowCount -1 do for j := 0 to ColCount -1 do Cells[j, i] := ''; end; for i := 0 to docs.Count - 1 do begin doc := docs.Item(i); dwgname := doc.GetVariable('DWGNAME'); dwgprefix := doc.GetVariable('DWGPREFIX'); if sdir = dwgprefix then begin with StringGrid1 do begin Cells[0, cnt + 1] := IntToStr(i + 1); Cells[1, cnt + 1] := dwgname; limmax := doc.GetVariable('LIMMAX'); limmin := doc.GetVariable('LIMMIN'); Cells[2, cnt + 1] := Format('%.1f',[Double(limmax[0] - limmin[0])]); Cells[3, cnt + 1] := Format('%.1f',[Double(limmax[1] - limmin[1])]); // ScaleA3 Cells[4, cnt + 1] := Format('%.3f',[Double(limmax[0]) / 420]); // ScaleA4 Cells[5, cnt + 1] := Format('%.3f',[Double(limmax[0]) / 297]); Objects[1, cnt + 1] := TObject(True); end; with StringGrid2 do begin Cells[0, cnt + 1] := IntToStr(i + 1); Cells[1, cnt + 1] := dwgname; Cells[ColCount - 1, cnt + 1] := dwgprefix; end; mspc := doc.ModelSpace; if mspc.Count > 0 then begin // 検索済フラグを初期化 for k := 0 to arycnt-1 do BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag := False; for j := 0 to mspc.Count - 1 do begin ent := mspc.Item(j); if 'AcDbBlockReference' = ent.EntityName then begin blkref := ent as IAcadBlockReference; if blkref.HasAttributes then begin for k := 0 to arycnt - 1 do begin if not BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag then begin if BcadAttAry[k].BlkName = blkref.Name then begin attr := blkref.GetAttributes; n := VarArrayLowBound(attr, 1); m := VarArrayHighBound(attr, 1); for l := n to m do begin // 個々の属性を取得 idisp := attr[l]; att := idisp as IAcadAttributeReference; s := att.TagString; // 登録の属性のすべてを確認する for a := 0 to arycnt -1 do begin if not BcadAttAry[a].chkFlag then begin if (BcadAttAry[a].BlkName = blkref.Name) and (s = BcadAttAry[a].TagName) then begin if a < 2 then StringGrid1.Cells[a + 7, cnt + 1] := att.TextString else StringGrid2.Cells[a , cnt + 1] := att.TextString; BcadAttAry[a].chkFlag := True; end; end; end; end; // 最終まで検索済 BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag := True; end; end; end; end; end; // 検索終了の確認 chkcnt := 0; for k := 0 to arycnt -1 do if BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag then Inc(chkcnt); if chkcnt = arycnt then break; end; end; with Progressbar1 do Position := Position + 1; Inc(cnt); end; end; with StringGrid1 do begin RowCount := cnt + 1; Row := 1; Col := 2; SetFocus; end; with StringGrid2 do begin RowCount := cnt + 1; Row := 1; Col := 2; //SetFocus; end; label6.Caption := '/' + cnt.ToString; Progressbar1.Position := 0; end; layout := doc.ActiveLayout; layout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo; // プリンター名一覧をBricsCADから取得 { devnames := layout.GetPlotDeviceNames; n := VarArrayHighBound(devnames, 1); if n >= 0 then begin idx := -1; with ComboBox1 do begin Items.Clear; for i := 0 to n do begin Items.Add(devnames[i]); if (LastPrinter <> '') and (LastPrinter = devnames[i]) then idx := i; end; if idx >= 0 then ItemIndex := idx else ItemIndex := Items.Count -1; // プリンター名をセット layout.ConfigName := Items[ItemIndex]; end; end; } // プリンター名一覧をWindows から取得 ComboBox1.Items.Assign(Printer.Printers); with ComboBox1 do begin if LastPrinter <> '' then begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Items[i] = LastPrinter then begin ItemIndex := i; Break; end; end; end else begin if Items.Count > 0 then ItemIndex := 0 else ItemIndex := - 1; end; end; // ここでセットしたプリンターの用紙サイズ一覧をBricsCADから取得 layout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo; // 用紙サイズ一覧をBricsCADから取得 { papernames := layout.GetCanonicalMediaNames; n := VarArrayHighBound(papernames, 1); if n >= 0 then begin with ComboBox3 do begin Items.Clear; for i := 0 to n do Items.Add(papernames[i]); Sorted := True; idx := Items.IndexOf('A4'); if idx >= 0 then ItemIndex := idx else ItemIndex := Items.Count -1; end; end; } GetPrinterPaperNames(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, ComboBox3.Items); with ComboBox3 do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Pos('A4', Items[i]) > 0 then begin ItemIndex := i; break; end; end; end; tablenames := layout.GetPlotStyleTableNames; // CTB,STB 一覧 n := VarArrayLowBound(tablenames, 1); m := VarArrayHighBound(tablenames, 1); if m > 0 then begin idx := -1; with ComboBox2 do begin Items.Clear; for i := n to m do begin // 2017/08/19 修正 Items.Add(tablenames[i]); if (LastCtbStb <> '') and (LastCtbStb = tablenames[i]) then idx := i; end; if idx >= 0 then ItemIndex := idx else ItemIndex := Items.Count - 1; end; end; DispCheckedCount; // シート番号順 SpeedButton7Click(self); SpeedButton11Click(self); except ; end; end; // ***************************** // プリンター用紙名を取得 // ***************************** procedure GetPrinterPaperNames(iIndex :integer; sl: TStrings); type //用紙名リスト用.用紙名の文字数の最大は64 TPaperName = array [0..63] of Char; var ADevice : array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char; ADriver : array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char; APort : array [0..MAX_PATH-1] of Char; ADeviceMode : THandle; Count : Integer; PaperNames : array of TPaperName; i : Integer; begin sl.Clear; //選択したプリンタを現在のプリンタとする Printer.PrinterIndex := iIndex; //現在のプリンタに関する情報を取り出す Printer.GetPrinter(ADevice, ADriver, APort, ADeviceMode); //そのプリンタADeviceのAPortの用紙名の数を取得 Count := Winspool.DeviceCapabilities(ADevice, APort, DC_PAPERNAMES, nil, nil); //その分だけ用紙名配列の長さと用紙番号の配列の長さを確保 SetLength(PaperNames, Count); //その配列に用紙名と用紙番号を取得 Winspool.DeviceCapabilities(ADevice, APort, DC_PAPERNAMES, PChar(PaperNames), nil); //用紙名 for i := 0 to Count - 1 do sl.Add(String(PaperNames[i])); end; // ***************************** // 印刷実行 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var app: IAcadApplication; docs: IAcadDocuments; doc: IAcadDocument; i : integer; scale : string; papersize, plotcmd : string; idx : integer; devname : string; fname : TFileName; //cfg : IAcadPlotConfiguration; docOrg : IAcadDocument; layout : IAcadLayout; begin try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('not Supports'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); exit; end; fname := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Edit7.Text; if (Edit7.Text <> '') and FileExists(fname) then fname := StringReplace(fname, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]) else fname := ''; try if MessageDlg('選択ファイルを印刷しますか?', mtInformation,mbYesNo,0) = mrYes then begin with ComboBox1 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then LastPrinter := Items[ItemIndex] else LastPrinter := ''; end; with ComboBox3 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then papersize := Items[ItemIndex] else papersize := 'A4'; end; with ComboBox2 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then LastCtbStb := Items[ItemIndex] else LastCtbStb := ''; end; if (LastPrinter <> '') and (LastCtbStb <> '') then begin devname := LastPrinter; RunFlag := True; Button2.Enabled := False; Button4.Enabled := True; // 現在の図面 docOrg := app.ActiveDocument; docs := app.Documents; if (docs.Count > 0) then begin with StringGrid1 do begin ProgressBar1.Max := RowCount - 1; ProgressBar1.Position := 0; for i := 1 to RowCount - 1 do begin with Progressbar1 do Position := Position + 1; Application.ProcessMessages; if RunFlag and Bool(Objects[1, i]) then begin idx := StrToInt(Cells[0, i])-1; doc := docs.Item(idx); app.ActiveDocument := doc; layout := doc.ActiveLayout; layout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo; with ComboBox1 do // プリンター名をセット layout.ConfigName := Items[ItemIndex]; with ComboBox3 do // 用紙サイズ名 layout.CanonicalMediaName := Items[ItemIndex]; with ComboBox2 do // 印刷スタイル名 layout.StyleSheet := Items[ItemIndex]; //layout.PlotType := acExtents; layout.PlotType := acLimits; layout.CenterPlot := True; layout.UseStandardScale := False; // A3 -> A4 縮小 if Pos('A4', papersize) > 0 then begin scale := '1:' + Format('%.3f',[StrToFloat(Cells[5, i])]); // 尺度設定 layout.SetCustomScale(1.0, StrToFloat(Cells[5, i])); end // A3 -> A3 else begin // papersize := 'A3'; scale := '1:'+Format('%.3f',[StrToFloat(Cells[4, i])]); // 尺度設定(分子,分母) layout.SetCustomScale(1.0, StrToFloat(Cells[4, i])); end; layout.RefreshPlotDeviceInfo; // 尺度変更のため再作図が必要 doc.Regen(acAllViewports); // 端子シンボルを最前面にするLISPを発行 if fname <> '' then doc.SendCommand('(load "' + fname + '")' + #13); if Edit8.Text <> '' then doc.SendCommand(Edit8.Text + #13); if CheckBox1.Checked then // 印刷実行 doc.Plot.PlotToDevice(layout.ConfigName) else begin { // RunCommandでは、'\' 文字が使えないため、コメントアウト plotcmd := 'PLOT;Y;model'+#13 + devname +#13 + papersize + ';M;L;N;L;' + scale + ';C;Y;'+ LastCtbStb + ';Y;N;N;N;Y'; //app.RunCommand(plotcmd); } // コマンドライン版(実績有り) plotcmd := 'PLOT' + #13 + 'Y' + #13 + 'model' + #13 + devname + #13 + papersize + #13 + 'M' + #13 + 'L' + #13 + 'N' + #13 + 'L' + #13 + scale + #13 + 'C' + #13 + 'Y' + #13 + LastCtbStb + #13 + 'Y' + #13 + 'N' + #13 + 'N' + #13 + 'N' + #13 + 'Y' + #13; doc.SendCommand(plotcmd); end; end; end; end; ProgressBar1.Position := 0; if RunFlag then ShowMessage('印刷が終了しました.') else ShowMessage('印刷を中止しました.'); Button2.Enabled := True; Button4.Enabled := False; // 最初の図面に戻す docOrg.Activate; end; end; end; except ; end; { : PLOT 詳細な印刷構成? はい(Y)/<いいえ(N)>: y レイアウト名を入力 または [?] <Model>: model 出力デバイス名を入力 または [?] <pdfFactory>: 用紙サイズを入力 または [?] <A4>: 用紙単位 インチ(I)/<ミリ(M)>: 図面の向き 縦(P)/<横(L)>: l 上下を反転して印刷? はい(Y)/<いいえ(N)>: n 印刷範囲を指定 表示(D)/図形範囲(E)/<図面範囲(L)>/ビュー(V)/窓(W): l 印刷尺度を入力 (印刷 ミリ = 作図単位) または フィット(F) <1:7.07>: 印刷オフセットを入力 (x,y) または 中心(C) <Center>: c 印刷スタイルを使用? <はい(Y)>/いいえ(N): y 印刷スタイルテーブル名 または [?] (無しのときは . を入力) <monochrome018.ctb>: 線の太さを印刷? <はい(Y)>/いいえ(N): y 隠れ線を除外? はい(Y)/<いいえ(N)>: n 印刷データをファイルへ出力? はい(Y)/<いいえ(N)>: n レイアウトへ変更を保存しますか? はい(Y)/<いいえ(N)>: n 印刷を続行? <はい(Y)>/いいえ(N): y } end; // ***************************** // 中止ボタン // ***************************** procedure TForm5.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin RunFlag := False; Application.ProcessMessages; end; // ***************************** // 図面情報を更新 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.Button7Click(Sender: TObject); var app : AcadApplication; docs : AcadDocuments; doc : AcadDocument; mspc : AcadModelSpace; ent : AcadEntity; blkref : AcadBlockReference; att : AcadAttributeReference; attr : OleVariant; idisp : IDispatch; i, j, k, kk, a ,l: integer; n, m : integer; s : string; dwgname, dwgprefix : string; arycnt : integer; chkcnt : integer; begin try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('サポートされていない'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); exit; end; try arycnt := Length(BcadAttAry); docs := app.Documents; if docs.Count > 0 then begin RunFlag := True; Button7.Enabled := False; Button3.Enabled := True; ProgressBar1.Max := docs.Count; with StringGrid2 do begin for i := 0 to docs.Count - 1 do begin with ProgressBar1 do Position := Position + 1; Application.ProcessMessages; if not RunFlag then break else begin doc := docs.Item(i); dwgname := doc.GetVariable('DWGNAME'); dwgprefix := doc.GetVariable('DWGPREFIX'); for kk := 1 to RowCount -1 do begin if (dwgname = Cells[1, kk]) and (dwgprefix = Cells[ColCount - 1, kk]) then begin mspc := doc.ModelSpace; if mspc.Count > 0 then begin // 検索済フラグを初期化 for k := 0 to arycnt-1 do BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag := False; for j := 0 to mspc.Count - 1 do begin ent := mspc.Item(j); if 'AcDbBlockReference' = ent.EntityName then begin blkref := ent as IAcadBlockReference; if blkref.HasAttributes then begin for k := 2 to arycnt-1 do begin if not BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag then begin if BcadAttAry[k].BlkName = blkref.Name then begin attr := blkref.GetAttributes; n := VarArrayLowBound(attr, 1); m := VarArrayHighBound(attr, 1); for l := n to m do begin // 個々の属性を取得 idisp := attr[l]; att := idisp as IAcadAttributeReference; s := att.TagString; for a := 2 to arycnt - 1 do begin if not BcadAttAry[a].chkFlag then begin if (BcadAttAry[a].BlkName = blkref.Name) and (s = BcadAttAry[a].TagName) then begin if Cells[a , kk] <> att.TextString then begin att.TextString := Cells[a, kk]; att.Update; end; BcadAttAry[a].chkFlag := True; end; end; end; end; end; end; // 最終まで検索済 BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag := True; end; end; end; // 検索終了の確認 chkcnt := 0; for k := 0 to arycnt -1 do if BcadAttAry[k].chkFlag then Inc(chkcnt); if chkcnt = arycnt then Break; end; end; Break; end; end; end; end; end; ProgressBar1.Position := 0; end; if RunFlag then ShowMessage('更新が終了しました.') else ShowMessage('更新を中止しました.'); Button7.Enabled := True; Button3.Enabled := False; except ; end; end; // ***************************** // プリンター変更 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.ComboBox1Change(Sender: TObject); var app : AcadApplication; docs : AcadDocuments; doc : AcadDocument; cfg : AcadPlotConfiguration; i : integer; begin with ComboBox1 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then LastPrinter := Items[ItemIndex]; end; try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('サポートされていません.'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); exit; end; try docs := app.Documents; doc := app.ActiveDocument; if doc.PlotConfigurations.Count = 0 then doc.PlotConfigurations.Add('TEST', 0); cfg := doc.PlotConfigurations.Item(0); if Assigned(cfg) then begin with ComboBox1 do // プリンター名をセット cfg.ConfigName := Items[ItemIndex]; // ここでセットしたプリンターの用紙サイズ一覧 { papernames := cfg.GetCanonicalMediaNames; n := VarArrayHighBound(papernames, 1); if n > 0 then begin with ComboBox3 do begin Items.Clear; for i := 0 to n - 1 do Items.Add(papernames[i]); Sorted := True; idx := Items.IndexOf('A4'); if idx >= 0 then ItemIndex := idx else ItemIndex := Items.Count -1; end; end; } GetPrinterPaperNames(ComboBox1.ItemIndex, ComboBox3.Items); ComboBox3.Sorted := True; with ComboBox3 do begin for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do begin if Pos('A4', Items[i]) > 0 then begin ItemIndex := i; break; end; end; end; end; except ; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷設定変更 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.ComboBox2Change(Sender: TObject); begin with ComboBox2 do begin if ItemIndex >= 0 then LastCtbStb := Items[ItemIndex]; end; end; // ***************************** // フォーム作成 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var ini : TIniFile; i : integer; begin PageControl1.ActivePageIndex := 0; Edit1.Text := ''; Edit2.Text := ''; Edit3.Text := 'TITLE'; Edit4.Text := 'ZSHEET'; Edit5.Text := 'TITLE'; Edit6.Text := 'ZITEM9'; Edit7.Text := 'TBTOTOP.lsp'; Edit8.Text := 'TBTOTOP'; Caption := Application.Title; with StringGrid1 do begin RowCount := 2; ColWidths[0] := 30; ColWidths[1] := 230; ColWidths[2] := 50; ColWidths[3] := 50; ColWidths[4] := 50; ColWidths[5] := 50; ColWidths[6] := 0; ColWidths[7] := 50; ColWidths[8] := 50; Cells[0, 0] := 'No.'; Cells[1, 0] := 'ファイル名'; Cells[2, 0] := 'Lim W'; Cells[3, 0] := 'Lim H'; Cells[4, 0] := 'at A3'; Cells[5, 0] := 'at A4'; Cells[6, 0] := 'FilePath'; Cells[7, 0] := 'SHEET'; Cells[8, 0] := 'PAGE'; end; with StringGrid2 do begin RowCount := 2; // 初期値 ColWidths[0] := 30; ColWidths[1] := 160; ColWidths[6] := 80; ColWidths[7] := 50; for i := 8 to 10 do ColWidths[i] := 40; for i := 11 to 16 do ColWidths[i] := 50; Cells[0, 0] := 'No.'; Cells[1, 0] := 'ファイル名'; end; with StringGrid4 do begin Options := Options + [goThumbTracking,goEditing]; DefaultColWidth := 60; ColWidths[0] := 30; ColWidths[1] := 80; Cells[0, 0] := 'No.'; Cells[1, 0] := '表示名称'; Cells[2, 0] := 'ブロック名'; Cells[3, 0] := '属性名'; Cells[4, 0] := '表示幅'; Cells[5, 0] := 'IME'; end; // 図形情報の設定ファイルを読込 ReadTsv; // 検索用に追加 BcadAttAry[0].BlkName := Edit3.Text; BcadAttAry[0].TagName := Edit4.Text; BcadAttAry[0].chkFlag := False; BcadAttAry[1].BlkName := Edit5.Text; BcadAttAry[1].TagName := Edit6.Text; BcadAttAry[1].chkFlag := False; BcadAttAryToSettingSg(StringGrid4); BcadAttAryToDispSg(StringGrid2, 2); with StringGrid2 do ColWidths[ColCount -1] := 0; ini := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), 'ini')); with ini do begin try LastPrinter := ReadString('Plot', 'LastPrinter', ''); LastCtbStb := ReadString('Plot', 'LastCtbStb', ''); Edit3.Text := ReadString('BlkAtt', 'BlkName1', Edit3.Text); Edit4.Text := ReadString('BlkAtt', 'AttName1', Edit4.Text); Edit5.Text := ReadString('BlkAtt', 'BlkName2', Edit5.Text); Edit6.Text := ReadString('BlkAtt', 'AttName2', Edit6.Text); Edit7.Text := ReadString('RunLisp', 'FileName', Edit7.Text); Edit8.Text := ReadString('RunLisp', 'Command', Edit8.Text); with StringGrid1 do ColWidths[1] := ReadInteger('Form', 'FNameWidth', ColWidths[1] ); finally Free; end; end; end; // ***************************** // フォーム破棄 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var ini : TIniFile; begin // 設定ファイルを保存 SpeedButton6Click(self); ini := TIniFile.Create(ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), 'ini')); with ini do begin try WriteString('Plot','LastPrinter', LastPrinter); WriteString('Plot','LastCtbStb', LastCtbStb); WriteString('BlkAtt', 'BlkName1', Edit3.Text); WriteString('BlkAtt', 'AttName1', Edit4.Text); WriteString('BlkAtt', 'BlkName2', Edit5.Text); WriteString('BlkAtt', 'AttName2', Edit6.Text); WriteString('RunLisp', 'FileName', Edit7.Text); WriteString('RunLisp', 'Command', Edit8.Text); WriteInteger('Form', 'FNameWidth', StringGrid1.ColWidths[1] ); finally Free; end; end; end; // ***************************** // ファイル名の表示幅を合わせる // ***************************** procedure TForm5.PageControl1Change(Sender: TObject); begin if PageControl1.ActivePageIndex = 1 then StringGrid2.ColWidths[1] := StringGrid1.ColWidths[1]; end; // ***************************** // 図面情報:ファイル名順 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton10Click(Sender: TObject); begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid2, StringGrid2.ColCount -1, 1, False); end; // ***************************** // 図面情報:シート名順ソート // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton11Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; n : integer; begin n := Length(BcadAttAry); if n > 0 then begin for i := 2 to n - 1 do begin with BcadAttAry[i] do begin if (BlkName = Edit3.Text) and (TagName = Edit4.Text) then begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid2, i, - 1, False); Break; end; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 図面情報:取得順ソート // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton12Click(Sender: TObject); begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid2, 0, - 1, True); end; procedure TForm5.SpeedButton13Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin with StringGrid4 do begin for i := 1 to RowCount - 1 do begin Cells[4, i] := IntToStr(StringGrid2.ColWidths[i + 1]); end; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷チェック「すべてON」 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin with StringGrid1 do begin for i := 1 to RowCount -1 do Objects[1, i] := TObject(True); end; DispCheckedCount; end; // ***************************** // 印刷チェック「すべてOFF」 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton2Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; begin with StringGrid1 do begin for i := 1 to RowCount - 1 do Objects[1, i] := TObject(False); end; DispCheckedCount; end; // ***************************** // 印刷「ファイル名順」 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton4Click(Sender: TObject); begin // ソート SgSortByCol2(StringGrid1, 6, 1, False); end; // ***************************** // 印刷「ページNo順」 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton5Click(Sender: TObject); var i : integer; n : integer; begin n := Length(BcadAttAry); if n > 2 then begin for i := 2 to n - 1 do begin with BcadAttAry[i] do begin if (BlkName = Edit5.Text) and (TagName = Edit6.Text) then begin // ページNo順ソート SgSortByCol2(StringGrid2, i, - 1, True); Break; end; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 設定ファイルを保存 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton6Click(Sender: TObject); var sl : TStringList; i, j : integer; tsvname : TFileName; s : string; begin tsvname := ChangeFileExt(ParamStr(0), '.tsv'); sl := TStringList.Create; try with StringGrid4 do begin for i := 1 to RowCount - 1 do begin with BcadAttAry[i + 1] do begin TxtStr := Cells[1, i]; BlkName := Cells[2, i]; TagName := Cells[3, i]; colwidth := StrToIntDef(Cells[4, i], 0); ImeFlag := UpperCase(Cells[5, i]) = 'ON'; end; s := ''; for j := 1 to 5 do begin s := s + Cells[j, i]; // タブを追加 if j < 5 then s := s + #9; end; sl.Add(s); end; end; sl.SaveToFile(tsvname); finally sl.Free; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷:シート名順ソート // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton7Click(Sender: TObject); begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid1, 7, - 1, False); end; // ***************************** // 図面情報:ページ番号順ソート // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton8Click(Sender: TObject); begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid1, 8, - 1, True); end; // ***************************** // 印刷:取得順ソート // ***************************** procedure TForm5.SpeedButton9Click(Sender: TObject); begin SgSortByCol2(StringGrid1, 0, - 1, True); end; // ***************************** // 印刷用StringGridクリック // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid1Click(Sender: TObject); var app : AcadApplication; docs : AcadDocuments; doc : AcadDocument; idx : integer; limmax, limmin : OleVariant; begin try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('サポートされていない'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); exit; end; try with StringGrid1 do begin if Row > 0 then begin idx := StrToIntDef(Cells[0, Row], - 1) - 1; docs := app.Documents; if (idx >= 0) and (idx < docs.Count) then begin // 図面を切換え app.ActiveDocument := docs.Item(idx); doc := app.ActiveDocument; limmax := doc.GetVariable('LIMMAX'); limmin := doc.GetVariable('LIMMIN'); //SetForegroundWindow(App.HWND); // ズームする app.ZoomWindow(limmin, limmax); end; end; end; except ; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷用StringGrid描画 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid1DrawCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TGridDrawState); var TempRect : TRect; BoxRect : TRect; uState : Cardinal; sg : TStringGrid; begin sg := TStringGrid(Sender); TempRect := Rect; if (ARow > (sg.FixedRows - 1)) and (ACol = 1) then begin // 背景を消す sg.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); //チェックボックスのサイズを設定 BoxRect.Left := Rect.Left + 5; BoxRect.Top := Rect.Top + 3; BoxRect.Bottom := Rect.Bottom - 3; BoxRect.Right := BoxRect.Left + (BoxRect.Bottom - BoxRect.Top); Rect.Right := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top; TempRect.Left := TempRect.Left + (BoxRect.Right - BoxRect.Left) + 8; TempRect.Top := TempRect.Top + 3; //Objectsプロパティの値に応じてチェック状態を描画 if Bool(sg.Objects[ACol, ARow]) then begin sg.Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; uState := DFCS_BUTTONCHECK or DFCS_CHECKED; end else begin sg.Canvas.Font.Color := clRed; uState := DFCS_BUTTONCHECK; end; DrawText(sg.Canvas.Handle, PChar(sg.Cells[ACol,ARow]), - 1, TempRect, DT_LEFT or DT_SINGLELINE); DrawFrameControl(sg.Canvas.Handle, BoxRect, DFC_BUTTON, uState); end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷用StringGrid キー操作 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid1KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var AColLeft : Integer; ARowTop : Integer; ARowBottom : Integer; i : Integer; ABool : Boolean; sg : TStringGrid; begin sg := TStringGrid(Sender); with sg do begin if Key = VK_SPACE then begin //選択中のセルの範囲を調査 AColLeft := Selection.Left; ARowTop := Selection.Top; ARowBottom := Selection.Bottom; //複数行選択に対応 if AColLeft = 1 then begin for i := ARowTop to ARowBottom do begin if Cells[AColLeft, i] <> '' then begin ABool := Bool(Objects[AColLeft, i]); Objects[AColLeft, i] := TObject(not ABool); end; end; DispCheckedCount; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 印刷用StringGrid マウス操作 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var ACol : Integer; ARow : Integer; ABool : Boolean; sg : TStringGrid; begin sg := TStringGrid(Sender); with sg do begin if Button = mbLeft then begin MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); // ダブルクリックのために記憶 MbRow := ARow; MbCol := ACol; if (ARow > (FixedRows - 1)) and (ACol = 1) then begin if Cells[ACol,ARow] <> '' then begin ABool := Bool(Objects[ACol, ARow]); Objects[ACol, ARow] := TObject(not ABool); DispCheckedCount; end; end; end; end; end; // ***************************** // 図面情報StringGrid クリック // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid2Click(Sender: TObject); var app : AcadApplication; docs : AcadDocuments; doc : AcadDocument; idx : integer; limmax, limmin : OleVariant; i , n: integer; begin n := Length(BcadAttAry); with StringGrid2 do begin if (Col < 2) or (Col >= n) then ImmSetOpenStatus(ImmGetContext(Handle), False) else for i := 2 to n - 1 do begin if Col = i then begin ImmSetOpenStatus(ImmGetContext(Handle), BcadAttAry[i].ImeFlag); Break; end; end; // ファイル名は変更不可 if Col = 1 then Options := Options - [goEditing] else Options := Options + [goEditing]; end; try if not Supports(GetActiveOleObject('BricscadApp.AcadApplication'), AcadApplication, app) then begin ShowMessage('サポートされていない'); exit; end; except ShowMessage('有効な BricsCAD が見つかりません.'); exit; end; try with StringGrid2 do begin if Row > 0 then begin idx := StrToIntDef(Cells[0, Row], - 1) - 1; docs := app.Documents; if (idx >= 0) and (idx < docs.Count) then begin app.ActiveDocument := docs.Item(idx); doc := app.ActiveDocument; limmax := doc.GetVariable('LIMMAX'); limmin := doc.GetVariable('LIMMIN'); //SetForegroundWindow(App.HWND); app.ZoomWindow(limmin, limmax); end; end; end; except ; end; end; // ***************************** // 図面情報StringGrid キー操作 // ***************************** procedure TForm5.StringGrid2KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin SgKeyDown(StringGrid2, Key, Shift); end; end.